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李枝林1, 秦长育1, 韩建芳2   

  1. 1. 宁夏地方病防治所;
    2. 宁夏灵武县卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:2011-11-23 发布日期:2011-11-22


LI Zhilin1, QIN Changyu1, HAN Jianfang2   

  1. 1. Ningxia Institute of Endemic Diseases Control;
    2. Health and Anti-epidemic Station of LingWu county
  • Online:2011-11-23 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 子午沙鼠的数量消长与季节变化有着密切的关系,数量高峰在9—11月。雌鼠妊娠率、繁殖指数均以夏季7月较高,冬季繁殖休止。雌雄性比为1:0.94。夏季以植物茎叶为主食,冬、春、秋三季均以种籽为主食。年龄结构呈金字塔形,老年鼠最少,成年鼠次之,幼年鼠和亚成年鼠数量最高。

关键词: 子午沙鼠, 种群密度, 繁殖, 食性, 年龄结构

Abstract: This paper deals with some ecological information of Meriones meridianus at Linhe district in Lingwu county. This investigation was carried out monthly during 1984-1985. There are 3 main habitats at this district: Ⅰ, Plain semi-desert grassland;Ⅱ, Lowhills with semi-desert grassland;Ⅲ, Small wasteland between agricultural fields; the investigation area is 270 hectares, the average densities of M. meridianus in the 3 habitats are 0.96/h., 0.59/h., 1.50/h. respectively.Dissected 1455 females and 1368 males, the total sex ratio ( ♀:♂ ) is 1:0.94. There are pregnancy females in all year except in winter (Nov.-Jan.), the pregnancy rates and reproductive indices are higher in May-Sep., highest in July. Almost all testes of adults falling in scrota from April to August.Dissecte 1411 stomaches of M. meridianus, the main food is leaves and stalks in summer, is seeds in other seasons.The ecological life-span is short, about one year. Population age structure is pyramid in shape in summer and autumn, the rate of subadults in population is highest.

Key words: Meriones meridianus, Population density, Reproduction, Food habits, Age structure