ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 315-321.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150740
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Qiang LIU1, Haijun WANG2, Yue ZHAO1, Shiyu CHEN1, Guangshun JIANG1()
Guangshun JIANG
刘强 (1996- ),男,硕士,主要从事野生动物保护遗传学相关研究.基金资助:
CLC Number:
Qiang LIU, Haijun WANG, Yue ZHAO, Shiyu CHEN, Guangshun JIANG. The three-dimensional reconstruction and parameter measurement of the skull of Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) in China[J]. ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 43(3): 315-321.
刘强, 王海军, 赵越, 陈世玉, 姜广顺. 中国东北豹头骨三维重建及测量参数[J]. 兽类学报, 2023, 43(3): 315-321.
Fig. 1 Working interface diagram of 3D reconstruction of the skull of the Amur leopard by 3D Slicer. A: 3D view window; B: Cross section; C: Coronal plane; D: Sagittal plane
Fig. 2 The cranial measurements of Amur leopard used in this study, figure from Khorozyan et al.(2006) and 3D measurement result. A: Measurements for Amur leopard, dorsal view; B: Measurements for Amur leopard, ventral view; C: 3D measurement of the skull model, dorsal view; D: 3D measurement of the skull model, ventral view. Numbers correspond to the measurement sites in table 1, the measurements 6, 16, 17, 25 and 26 are not displayed
Fig. 3 Three-dimensional surface reconstruction CT images of the Amur leopard. A: dorsal view; B: ventral view; C: lateral view; D: caudal view. 1: Infraorbitale; 2: Zygomatic process; 3: Frontal process; 4: Frontal; 5: Encephalocoele; 6: Sagittal suture; 7:Foramen ovale; 8: Zygomatic; 9: Bulla ossae; 10: Occipital condyles; 11: Mastoid; 12: Forman magum; 13: Nasal; 14: Canines; 15: Molar; 16: Mandibular; 17: Frontal; 18: Encephalocoele; 19: Sagittal suture; 20: Zygomatic; 21: Bulla ossae; 22: Forman magum; 23: Lambdoid suture; 24: Occipital; 25: Occipital condyles
测量部位 Measurements of the skull | 测量值 Measurements (mm) |
1颅全长 Greatest length (GL) | 192.00 |
2颅基底长 Skull basilar length (SBL) | 177.10 |
3基长 Basal length (BL) | 162.40 |
4上颊齿列冠长Length of upper tooth row C-P4(LUT) | 64.35 |
5 P4齿冠基长 Length of P4 (LP4) | 24.66 |
6枕颅高 Basion height (BH) | 64.64 |
7颅底轴长 Basicranial axis (BA) | 71.66 |
8枕大孔宽 Greatest breadth of the foramen magnum (GBFM) | 38.86 |
9颧宽 Zygomatic breadth (ZB) | 121.00 |
10最大眶间距 Greatest breath of the skull (GBS) | 62.58 |
11最小眶间宽 Least inter-orbital breadth (LIB) | 33.76 |
12上腭宽 Greatest palatal breadth (GPB) | 73.80 |
13犬齿外宽 Breadth at the canine alveoli (BCA) | 48.05 |
14最小眶后宽 Minimal breadth of the postorbital constriction (BPC) | 40.92 |
15眶下孔距 Breadth between infraorbital foramina (BIF) | 53.58 |
16眼窝高 Greatest inner height of the orbit (GHO) | 40.90 |
17眼窝长 Greatest inner length of the orbit (GLO) | 46.03 |
18鼻骨中缝长 Nasal suture length (NSL) | 44.06 |
19眶上孔颅长 Upper neurocranium length (UNL) | 79.23 |
20鼻颅长 Midian frontal length (MFL) | 128.10 |
21后颅与基底间长度 Length between opisthocranion and basion (LOB) | 30.82 |
22听泡长度 Length of bulla ossae (LBO) | 29.79 |
23听泡宽度 Width of bulla ossae (WBO) | 13.73 |
24听泡间宽 Breadth between bulla ossae (BBO) | 24.14 |
25脑颅最大宽 Greatest breath of the braincase (GBB) | 71.75 |
26乳突间距 Greatest mastoid breadth (GMB) | 79.07 |
Table 1 Measurements of the Amur leopard skull
测量部位 Measurements of the skull | 测量值 Measurements (mm) |
1颅全长 Greatest length (GL) | 192.00 |
2颅基底长 Skull basilar length (SBL) | 177.10 |
3基长 Basal length (BL) | 162.40 |
4上颊齿列冠长Length of upper tooth row C-P4(LUT) | 64.35 |
5 P4齿冠基长 Length of P4 (LP4) | 24.66 |
6枕颅高 Basion height (BH) | 64.64 |
7颅底轴长 Basicranial axis (BA) | 71.66 |
8枕大孔宽 Greatest breadth of the foramen magnum (GBFM) | 38.86 |
9颧宽 Zygomatic breadth (ZB) | 121.00 |
10最大眶间距 Greatest breath of the skull (GBS) | 62.58 |
11最小眶间宽 Least inter-orbital breadth (LIB) | 33.76 |
12上腭宽 Greatest palatal breadth (GPB) | 73.80 |
13犬齿外宽 Breadth at the canine alveoli (BCA) | 48.05 |
14最小眶后宽 Minimal breadth of the postorbital constriction (BPC) | 40.92 |
15眶下孔距 Breadth between infraorbital foramina (BIF) | 53.58 |
16眼窝高 Greatest inner height of the orbit (GHO) | 40.90 |
17眼窝长 Greatest inner length of the orbit (GLO) | 46.03 |
18鼻骨中缝长 Nasal suture length (NSL) | 44.06 |
19眶上孔颅长 Upper neurocranium length (UNL) | 79.23 |
20鼻颅长 Midian frontal length (MFL) | 128.10 |
21后颅与基底间长度 Length between opisthocranion and basion (LOB) | 30.82 |
22听泡长度 Length of bulla ossae (LBO) | 29.79 |
23听泡宽度 Width of bulla ossae (WBO) | 13.73 |
24听泡间宽 Breadth between bulla ossae (BBO) | 24.14 |
25脑颅最大宽 Greatest breath of the braincase (GBB) | 71.75 |
26乳突间距 Greatest mastoid breadth (GMB) | 79.07 |
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