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    07 July 2008, Volume 25 Issue 2
    Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships dactyla,Bovidae) Based on Sequence for Procapra in Antilopinae (Artiodactyia,Bovidae) Based on Sequence of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene
    WANG Jiang,FANG Shengguo
    2005, 25(2):  105-114. 
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    The phylogenetic relationships between species in genus Procapra and other genera of subfamily Antilopinae are unclear.Total DNA of Mongohan gazelle and Tibetan gazelle samples were extracted and Cyt b complete genes were sequenced(samples of the Mongolian gazelle and the Tibetan gazelle were collected from Inner Mongohan Autonomous region and Sichuan province respectively).Through comparison between the Cyt b complete gene determined in this study and those of 31 species in the family Bovidae available from GeneBank。the sequence divergence,base composition and base subsfitufiom among these sequences were analyzed.The phylogenetic trees were constructed by most parsimonious(MP),neighbor-joining(NJ) and maximum-likehood(ML) methods.The bootstrap values were calculated from 1 000 replicates forMP tree and NJ tree and 100 replicates for ML tree.Our study demonstrates that the Mongolian gazelle(Procapra gutturosa) and Tibetan gazelle(Procapra picticaudata) share the closest affinity and that they occupy the basal position in the Antilopinae.Procapra is monophyletic in all analyses (MP,NJ and ML trees).The sequence divergence between Mongolian gazelle and Tibetan gazelle was 3.78%. Phylogenetic relationship between Genera of Antilopinae are more paraphyletic than monophyletic. Base on the Cyt b molecular clock (2%/million year),the divergence time between the Mongolian and Tibetan gazelles was estimated to 1-2 million years before present and 5.7-8 million years before present between genera Procapra and others Genera of Antilopinae.
    The Method of Group-hoarding Behavior Provoked in Nature and Its Application in Social Ecology of Mongolian Gerbils
    LIU Wei,WAN Xinrong,ZHONG Wenqin
    2005, 25(2):  115-121. 
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    Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) live in family groups. Under natural conditions,group-hoarding behavior among gerbils can be invoked by artificially supplying grain. All group members older than 20-day-old pups hoard grain by storing
    it in their burrows. During May 2002,We conducted mark-reeapture experiments(double-marking individuals by toe-clipping as well as by dyeing fur) within a fenced pasture in Touzhijian township,Taibusi Banner,Inner Mongolia. We conducted two field experiments: (1) To induce hoarding and thereby identify the size and composition of each gerbil group,We supplied grain in four petri dishes placed randomly around the central burrow area,and (2) To detemaine individual social status and judge the location
    of territorial borders, We placed eleven dishes containing grain along a line that traversed adjoining territories, such that some dishes were within the territory of the subject gerbil group and others required trespassing onto neighboring territories for the subjects to access them. Supplyirig grain confirmed the existence of four neighboring groups which operated as social units by group hoarding. In our second experiment, gerbils displayed individual diferences in both hoarding and chasing behavior within groups. Based on observations of these chases,we identified the dominant gerbils within each group as those individuals most motivated to chase strangers and defend their investments. Resident gerbils had clear priority of access to grain placed in their own territory,and chased other gerbils from these grain stations. We found that territorial borders had an overlap zone of 1-2 m. These experimenls provided a straightforward and repeatable method to quantify the complex social behavior of free-ranging Mongolian gerbils.
    Diet of the Chinese Water Deer(Hydropotes inermis)in Zhoushan Archipelago,China
    GUO Guangpu, ZHANG Endi
    2005, 25(2):  122-130. 
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    This studywas to determine what kind of feeders the Chinese water deer are in Zhonshan Archipelago, China. The study was conducted by using observation of feeding signs in the wild, micohistological analysis of feces, and feeding trials. The
    results showed that Chinese water deer fed on a total of 137 plant species, included in 61 families and115genera. Leguminosae plants wereselected most, both in numbers of species and frequency of occurrences. Even though they maintained a relatively
    constant usage level of plant species and families, the numbers of both decreased from spring to winter,but diet in summer and autunm were similar to that in spring. All of the four plant types (forbs,graminoids,woody plants and forbs) were taken year-round
    with no significant diferences,even though they were varied among seasons,however all types except woody plants showed significant variation among seasons. Herbage intake decreased while that of woody plants increased, from spring to winter.Woody plants and forbs were dominant, while graminoids were rare in the diet of the deer. The results suggested that the Chinese water deer isa concentrate feeder or a browser in
    A Study of the Behavior of Female Giant Pandas(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Following Mating
    HUANG Xiangming, ZHANG Zhihe, YU Jianqiu, LI Guanghan, LI Mingxi, L1U Xuanzhen, LAN Jingchao
    2005, 25(2):  131-137. 
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    We studied behavioral indicators of pregnancy for 8 adult femalegiant pandas(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding following 20 mating events,1999-2002. All data were collected between the hours of
    14:00 and 17:00 between June and November, each female was observed for one hour during this period each day. All females were in good health and had mated, either naturally or artificially. Four scenarios were observed: 1.behavioral indicators of
    pregrmncy were strong; 2. behavioral indicators of pregnancy were weak; 3. the female demomtrated a pseudo-pregnancy; and 4. no behavioral response was observed.
    We conclude that strong behavioral responses which included a reduction in appetite or a stoppage of eating about 27 days before dehvery,were common for pandas that delivered successfully. The percentage time spent resting was over 91%. Noticeable
    antenatal responses an d vulvae changes were also observed; Weak behavioral indicators of pregnancy were rare for some pandas which also gave birth. One indicator was a slight reduction in appetite,however,the percent of time spent resting did not change,and there were no obvious antenatal responst or vulvae changes. Behaviors of pseudo-pregnancy and real pregnancy were similar, with fluctuating ingestion of food. Appetite,amount of activity and vulvae appearance gradually returned to normal. Some pandas demonstrated no behavioral responses or corresponding behaviors after mating.
    Population Size and Characteristics of Indian Muntjac(Muntiacus muntjak) at Hainan Datian National Nature Reserve
    TENG Liwei,LIU Zhensheng,SONG Yanling,ZENG Zhigao,LI Shanyuan,LIN Huixian
    2005, 25(2):  138-142. 
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    Living trapping methods were used to census population size of Indian muntjc(Muntiacus muntjak) during July 2002 in Hainan Datian National Nature Reserve which is 1 314 ha in size and is enclosed by iron whes. A total of 60 trapping sites of
    3.33 ha each were randomly selected in the four habitat types according to their proportion in the Reserve. The sample size is 197. 10 ha, about 15% of the study area. Age and sex were determined for each captured animal.A total of 109 muntjacs were trapped,whereas 4 of them escaped before their ages and sexes had been determined. Over 80% ofthe captures occurred in deciduous monsoon forest and thorn shrub,the rest were from grassland and artificial wood. A population estimation of 716.13±47.62 indicted to us that the population density was as high as 54.50±3.6/km2. Among the captured animals,most of them were adult (62.50%), subadult were a little over one quarter(28.85%), juveniles were less than a tenth (9.62%). The
    ratio of males to females was 1.32 to 1.00 for adult, and 1.50 to 1.00 for both sub-adults and juveniles. Information on group size and composition were presented based on 706 observatiom from October 2001 to September 2002.Solitaryanimals were located 375 times (68.31%), groups of 2 deer accounted for nearly one-third (31.15%), groups with 3 animals were observed 3 times. No groups formed by more than 3 muntjacs were recorded. No seasonal diference in group size was detected during this study (t= 1.596,P >0.05).
    Analysis of the Efect of a Consoecitic Competitor Oil the Caching of Oil Tea Seeds by Edward's Rats
    CHENG Jinrui,ZHANG Zhibin, XIAO Zhishu
    2005, 25(2):  143-149. 
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    Previous research work has shown that some birds cache fewer food items in the presence of a conspecific competitor, but some rats cache more. None of these studies paid attention to the dispemd distances of buried food and the microhabitats where the food was buried.
    In order to examine the efect ofthe presence of a conspecific competitor on dispersal distances of buried food and microhabitats where food was buried, an experiment was conducted from November to Decenlber 2002. The experiment was performed in two
    enclosures that were built with bricks in secondary forest in Dujiangyan, District,Sichuan Province,China. The climate is subtropica1. The wall ofthe enclosures extended 1.3 m above and 0.5 m below ground to prevent subjects from escaping during the
    experiment. A piece of 8 cm mesh net covered each enclosure to isolate predators from the outside.
    The subjects used in the experiment were Edward's rats(Leopoldamys edwardsi). The food provided for Edward's rats to eat and bury were oil tea seeds(Camellia oleifera). Each subject was given 50 seeds and 1 night to eat and bury the seeds. The
    next morning,the number of seeds eaten,buried and dispersed were recorded,as well as the dispersal distances of the buried seeds and their mierohabitats. The results showed that in the presence of a conspecific competitor,Edward's rats cached more oil
    tea seeds, and the mean cache size increased. The dispersal distances of buried seeds was much larger in the presence of a conspecific competitor. Furthermore, in the presence of a conspecific competitor,Edward's rats cached a larger proportion of buried seeds under grass or under shrubs,and a smaller proportion in open ground.
    We discuss the diference in caching behavior in the presence of a conspecific competitor between birds and rodents. The presence of a conspecific competitor promoted Edward's rats to bury more food,supporting the hypothesis that rats would bury more food in the presence of a competitor. When there were competitors,each rat would share fewer food items. In order to gain an advantage over the others,a subject would cache more food items for later use only by itself.Birds receive information from outside mainly by vision. Since the competitor would notice the cacher caching the food items,which would lead to loss of the buried food items,birds would cache fewer food items to avoid wasting their energy investment. Rodents receive information from
    outside mainly by olfaction,while vision performs less of a function,especially in secondary forest at night. When facing a coinpetitor, rodents worried less about the loss of buried food iterns than birds, so they cached more food iterns. Edward's rats cached oil tea seeds more widely in the presence of a compecific competitor,which brings an advantage to oil tea. Seeds were buried much farther away from where they were released (or where they dropped on the ground),causing the population of this plant to develop faster and more widely.
    Life Table and the Rate of Natural Increase in Sichuan Sika Deer
    GUO Yanshu, ZHENG Huizhen
    2005, 25(2):  150-155. 
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    During 1987 and 1989-1991,we marked 111(♂♂56,♀♀55) Siehuan sika deer(Cervus nippon sichuanicus) fawns (3-10 day old) with ear notches in Tiebu Nature Reserve,Siehuan,China,observed their survival from February 1987 through March 2004,and generated a population life table. The results are as follows: The oldest male deer was 14 years of age,the oldest female was 15. The sex ratio(♀:♂) of the young deer is 1:1,and of aduldt deer (5-6 years of age) was 3:1. The youngest reproductive age of female deer was 3- 4 years of age and the oldest age was 11- 12. Male deer gained the ability to control females at the age of 4- 5,and lost that ability after the age of 10- 11. Life expectancy for male deer at age 2- 3 was 5.111 and for female deer at age 1-2 was 6.148. The survival curve of the female deer resembled Odum's type A:survival of male deer resembled Odum's type B. Net reproductive rate (R0) was 1.228,rate of natural increase (r) was 0.031, and mean generation length (T) was 7.015. Females of ages 3-4 had the highest reproductive value.
    Time Budget of Daily Activity of Francois’Langur(Trachypithecus francoisifrancoisi) in Guizhou Province
    LU0 Yang,ZHANG Minghai, MA Jianzhang, WANG Shuangxi, ZHANG Shusen, WU Anka
    2005, 25(2):  156-162. 
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    The daily activity patterns of the wild adult Francois'Langurs(Trachypithecus francoisi fiancoisi) were observed in the core zone of Mayanghe Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province between 1998-2000.The behaviors of wild adult Francois'Langur were recorded at 1 minute intervals using an instantaneous sampling method.The behavior of the last second of each minute was recorded and defined as the behavior type score for that minute.Because of limitations imposed by the field conditions, caused by vegetation, terrain and climate, and change of the adult Francois'Langurs activity, a continuous and integrated daily field observation record could not be obtained. Consequently the continuous daily behavior pattern was reconstructed by cutting and reassembling behavioral data of different time intervals of different days, but of the same season and at the same observation spot, according to a prior principle of choosing data with along continuous record. The results indicated that rest, forage, traveling, grooming, cuddling and playing activities accounted for 63.8, 2.0%, 2.3%,0.5% and 0.1% respectively in the daily time budget of the wild adult Francois'Langur during the study period. Therefore the most time was spent on restsecondly on forage and traveling, and the least time on grooming,cuddling and playing by the wild adult Francois’langur. The patterns of activity rhythms of wild adult Francois’Langur did not show marked seasonal difference. The percent,peak value an d duration of various behaviors were different in different seasons. Two or more activity peaks were found for forage and rest in each season. but four peaks were found for forage in summer,and three peaks were recorded for rest in summer and in autumn. The daily activity patterns of traveling changed little in different, seasons. The daily rhythms in playing,cuddling and grooming appeared or not in different seasons. The time budget of various behaviors of wild adult Francois’langur was mainly determined by habitat type and quality. Habitat provided adult Francois’langur with different main food resources in different seasons, which changed the forage time budget of this species, and the time budget of other behaviors showed related change. The lack of a marked significant seasonal difference in daily activity rhythm could reflect a lack of marked seasonal changes in the vegetation of this habitat.
    Karyology of Five Species of the Rhinolophus(Chiroptera:Rhinolophidae) from Guangdong,China
    WU Yi, Masashi HARAD
    2005, 25(2):  163-167. 
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    Chromosome preparations were made from culture cells of primary lung and tail tissue,then determination of the diploid number (2n) was performed on 30 metaphase cells from each specimen.The karyotypes of five species of Phinolophus bats from Guangdong,China were examined,namely: Phinolophus pusillus (2n=62,FN =60),R. cornutus (2n=62,FN =60), R. affinis (2n=62,FN =60), R. macrotis(2n=62,FN =60), R. sinicus(2n=36,FN =60).The karyotypes of R.macrotis is reported for the first time. It is essentially identical to those of previous reports about the karyotypes of R.cornutus,and R.affinis. The karyotype of R.sinicus (2n=36) is same as R.rouxii sinicus from Anhui reported by Zhang Weidao, but different from that of R.rouxii (2n=56) from India and Sri Lanka. Finally Rhinolophus diversity in the East Asia is discussed.
    Genetic Diversity of Microsatellite DNA Marker of Z:ZCLA Mongolian Gerbil
    LIU Yuehuan, WU Jiusheng, SA Xiaoying,YU Qiang,YU Zhengyang
    2005, 25(2):  168-174. 
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    With increasing importance for the understanding aging,epilepsy,the process of domestication and sociobiological questions, the Mongolian gerbil has become a model animal and was used in pharmacological,parasitological, endocrinological, and cancer research. We have been bred Z:ZCLA Mongolian gerbil and is giving bio-purification since 1978, now we have established wo standards closed colony, the conventional colony and the specific pathogen free (SPF) colony.In this paper, we studied the polymorphism of the conventional closed colony of Z:ZCLA Mongolian gerbil with PCR-denatured polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-silver nitrate staining and recorded their characters. We used 9 microsatellite loci as markers to detect the genetic variation of our colony, and found that locus 1 had only one allele, while locus 2-9 had two to four alleles, respectively. Average heterozygosity, allele number and polymorphism information content (PIC) was recorded as 0.4684, 2.6 and 0.4166,respectively. The individual gene homogeneity was found 0.1111-0.5555, with an average of 0.3389. Therefore, we observed the medium genetic diversity of the conventional closed colony of Z:ZCLA Mongolian gerbil.
    Odor Recognition in Mandarin Vole (Microtus mandarinus) and Reed Vole (M. fosttis
    TAI Fadao, LIAN yi, WANG Tingzheng, SUN Ruyong
    2005, 25(2):  175-181. 
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    The abilities to discriminate and recognize individuals' odors of mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus) and reed voles (M. fostis) were investigated in present study using behavioral paradigm.Mandarin voles and reed voles were exposed to conspecific individual substrates for one hour,and after 15 min,30 min and 60 min intervals,durations of investigating behavior such as visiting,sniffing and digging to this familiar substrate and another novel substrate were recorded in different groups of voles, each group were tested at just one interva1.It was found that voles exposed to conspecific heterosexual substrates preferred to familiar substrates at different lengths of time after exposure. In the other hand,voles exposed to homosexual substrates preferred to the novel odor at different lengths of time. The mandarin voles exposed to homosexual substrates showed significant preferences for novel substrates at 60 min intervals after exposures. But reed voles did not show obvious preference to homosexual substrates exposed to them after 60 min interva1. Female voles showed mole significant preferences to different substrates than did male voles at 60 min intervals after exposure. The present results indicate that different species and different sexes of voles showed different patterns of olfactory recognition and memory. This difference may be because of their different social organizations,ecologies and life history strategies in different species.
    Microtines:a Model System for Studying the Evolution and Regulation of Social Monogamy
    Brace S Cushing, Kristin M Kramer
    2005, 25(2):  182-199. 
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    In mammals monogamy occurs in a form known as social monogamy,which is defined not by sexual exclusivity, but by a suite of characteristics including the formation of long-term pair bonds,biparental care offspring, incest avoidance, and a lack of sexual dimorphism. In this review we examine the contribution that comparative studies using rodents of the genus Microtus (voles) have made to understanding the evolution of social monogamy and the underlying mechanisms,including the neural circuitry, that regulate the expression of monogamy. Studies with Microtus species support the hypothesis that monogamy may evolve under harsh conditions, while also suggesting that female sexual selection may help to maintain monogamy. The evolution of monogamy in mammals requires an increase in the expression of male prosocial behaviors,such ills as affiliation, which facilitate pair bond formation and male parental care. The increased expression of prosocial behaviors associated with monogamy are the product of the interaction of neuropeptides, oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin(AVP), and steroids. OT and AVP regulate the expression of pair bonds and parental care and polygynous and monogamous voles express significantly different patterns of OT and Vla (AVP) receptors. While comparative studies have provided insight into the reguation of social monogamy in microtines, the occurrence of intraspecific variation and behavioral plasticity has provided even greater understanding of its regulation. For example, under some conditions polygynous meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) males display paternal behavior. Despite the fact that they display the Vla receptor pattern associated with polygyny, central adminislration of vasopressin stimulates the expression of paternal behavior. In the monogamous prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster),voles
    from lllinois display high levels of prosocial behavior,while prairie voles from Kansas are much less social and are sexually dimorphic. While the expression of OT or Vla receptor patterns does not differ between the two populations there is a significant difference, especially in males, in the expression of estrogen receptors (ER). Illinois males express significantly lower levels of ER in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the medial amygdala,two regions of the brain that regulate the expression of affiliation and aggression,than males from Kansas. This suggests that a lack of sensitivity to estrogen may permit the expression of high levels of prosocial behavior and a reduction in certain types of aggression.
    Winter Group Size and Composition of Blue Sheep (Pseudois nayaur)in the Helan Mountains,China
    CAO Lirong,LIU Zhensheng,WANG Xiaoming,HU Tianhua, ZHAI Hao, HOU Jianhai
    2005, 25(2):  200-204. 
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    Group size and composition of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) were studied in the Helan Mountains, Ningxia Autonomous Region from November to December 2003. We scanned mountain slopes with binoculars and observed with 20-60× spotting-scope. A total of 310 herds of blue sheep and 1336 individuals were observed during the study period. Blue sheep were frequently seen in small herds of 2 to 8 individuals, which represent 94.8% of total herds observed. Herds consisting of 9 individuals or more represented 5.2%. The largest herd we observed numbered 51 individuals. Mean group size was 4.2 individuals. Blue sheep herds can be divided into three types: male herds (composed solely of males),female herds (consisting of females with or without juveniles of both sexes),and mixed herds (including adult males,females,and subadults).Among the 310 herds, female herds were counted 150 times l48.4%),mixed herds 154 times l49.7%),and male herds 6 times (1.9%).
    Of 1336 blue sheep classified by sex and age,adults,subadults and juveniles composed 64.1%,20.8%,and 15.1% respectively.The female:male ratio of adults was 1:0.73.The ratio of adult females to juveniles was 1:0.56,which is higher than the ratio recorded in spring (1:0.43) or summer (1:0.44). The results showed that the Helan Mountains State Nature Reserve has succeed in protecting blue sheep.
    Pathological Study on the Tissues Organs of Fetuses and Cubs of Giant Panda
    WANG Qiang,YIN Zhongqiong,ZHANG Anju,WANG Cengdong, FEI Lisong, ZHAO Bo,YU Xingmin
    2005, 25(2):  205-208. 
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    To elucidate the cause of prenatal and early postnatal death in giant panda,pathological studies have been carried out on paraffin-fixed tissue sections from two fetuses and four cubs. The fetuses appeared to have classical atrophic changes in lung and hemorrhage in multiple organs,whereas the cubs showed purulent inflammation in various organs,most profound in lung and umbilicus.Localized infusion of bacteria and neutrophils were identified in the focus. Acute enteritis and hepatitis were also observed, as well as purulent encephalitis in one ease. Variable degrees of congestion, hemorrhage, denaturalization and putrescence were evident in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, intestines, and lymph nodes. The results indicated that the fetuses died from suffocation whereas the cubs died from infection.