]*>","")" /> 圈养小熊猫育幼行为的初步观察

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刘雪卿  张泽钧  魏辅文 李明  李春  杨智  胡锦矗   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所
  • 出版日期:2006-08-16 发布日期:2008-07-07

Nursing Behaviors of the Captive Red Panda ( Ailurus f ulgens)

LIU Xueqing Zhang Zejun WEI Fuwen LI Ming LI Chun YANG Zhi HU Jinchu   

  • Online:2006-08-16 Published:2008-07-07

关键词: 小熊猫, 母性行为, 育幼行为, 育幼期

Abstract: Nursing behaviors of the captive red pandas were quantitatively studied by focal sampling methods in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding from July to August , 2000. The results indicated that frequencies of activity and rest were low in the first three days after birth , and became higher as time went by. The frequency of licking cub was higher in the first day after birth and deserting cub was only observed in the seventh day. Frequencies of some behaviors , such as rest , licking cub , cherishing cub , sniffing cub , returning to shed and deserting cub , differed significantly in different phases of the first month after birth. Frequencies of licking cub , cherishing cub , sniffing cub and returning to shed were significantly higher in the pre-nursing period than in the midnursing and post-nursing periods. However , frequencies of rest and deserting cub were significantly higher in the post-nursing period than in the per-nursing and mid-nursing periods. The degree of maternal behaviors can be inferred from degree that the mother exposes her babies to the environment and the time that the mother leaves her shed.

Key words: Red panda (Ailurus fulgens), Maternal behavior, Nursing behavior, Nursing period