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黄乘明  李友邦  邹异  覃怀平   

  1. 广西师范大学珍稀野生动植物研究所
  • 出版日期:2005-07-26 发布日期:2008-07-07

An Attack on Humans by Francois Langur ( Trachypithecus francoisi) in the Wild

HUANG Chengming LI Youbang ZUO Yi QIN Huaiping   

  • Online:2005-07-26 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 2002 年8 月17 日, 对在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区附近楞垒自然屯发生的黑叶猴攻击人的事件进行实地考察。当小车发出鸣笛后, 一只亚成体雄性黑叶猴从保护区边缘的丛林中冲出来。十分冲动或激怒地冲到了汽车旁,后来在路边的树上、石头、矮墙上不停地跳来跳去。围观群众躲到很远的地方观望, 其中一人被扑到身上, 幸好逃得及时而没有被咬伤。据访问了解, 这只亚成体公猴从2001 年初开始在保护区边界村庄附近已连续伤害了15 个人和2 只狗。分析和探讨这种攻击人类行为的形成是十分有意义的。

关键词: 黑叶猴, 攻击人类行为

Abstract: We documented a case of a young male Francois langur attacking humans near Lenglei village near Longgang Nature Reserve, Guangxi, on August 17, 2002. Shortly after we parked our car and sounded its horn, a young male Francois langur rushed out of the forest into the road-side trees. It appeared excited or annoyed, incessantly charging back and forth between the trees to a rocky area, from the rocks to the car. Nearby villages were frightened, and stayed far away; one person was seen to be attacked. Data collected from interviews showed there had been 15 persons and 2 dogs attacked since early 2001.

Key words: Francois langur(Trachypithecus francoisi), Attacking human behavior