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王加连 杨光 周开亚 魏辅文 严洁
WANG Jialian YANG Guang ZHOU Kaiya WEI Fuwen YAN Jie
摘要: 哺乳动物Y染色体短臂上的Sry 基因决定雄性发育方向。本研究参照哺乳动物Sry 基因保守区序列设计引物, 以非性别特异性的线粒体DNA 细胞色素b 基因作为阳性对照, 用PCR 扩增江豚、长喙真海豚等鲸类动物的Sry 基因片断并对其进行凝胶电泳分析来鉴定鲸类动物的性别。通过此方法对87 个已知性别鲸类动物标本的检验, 结果完全正确, 并进一步应用此方法成功地完成了另外33 个未知性别鲸类标本的性别鉴定。由此建立了一套简单、快速、可靠的鲸类动物的性别鉴定方法。
关键词: PCR, Sry 基因, 性别鉴定, 鲸类动物
Abstract: Sex-determining region Y (Sry) gene located in the short arm of the mammalian Y chromosome directs the sexual development of male. In this study, a 221-bp fragment of cetacean Sry genes was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) through a pair of primers designed based on the conserved region of other mammalian Sry genes. Eighty seven sex-known cetacean specimens in Nanjing Normal University were accurately determined sex with the simultaneous amplification of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (cyt b) gene fragments as positive control, which proved the efficiency of the present molecular technique. The established molecular method was applied to sex eighteen finless porpoises Neophocaena phocaenoides, two bottlenose dolphins Turiops trucatus, three indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins T. aduncus, three baiji Lipotes vexillifer, five striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba , and two pantropical spotted dolphin S . attenuata. This study provided a simple, rapid, and accurate approach for cetacean sex identification.
Key words: PCR, Sry gene, Sex identification, Cetacean
王加连 杨光 周开亚 魏辅文 严洁. PCR 扩增Sry 基因进行鲸类动物性别的鉴定[J]. .
WANG Jialian YANG Guang ZHOU Kaiya WEI Fuwen YAN Jie. Sex Identif ication of Cetaceans by PCR with Sry-Specif ic Primers[J]. .
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