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黄中豪, 周岐海, 黄乘明, 蒙渊君, 韦华   

  1. 广西师范大学珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护省部共建教育部实验室,桂林 541004
  • 出版日期:2011-03-02 发布日期:2011-03-02

Home range and daily ranging distance of Francois’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi ) in Nonggang NatureReserve, Guangxi, China

HUANG Zhonghao,ZHOU Qihai,HUANG Chengming,MENG Yuanjun,WEI Hua   

  1. Key Laboratory of Ecol ogy of Rare and Endangered Species and Environment Protection (Gangxi Normal U niversity),M ini stry of EducationChina,Guilin 541004,China,
  • Online:2011-03-02 Published:2011-03-02

摘要: 我们对广西弄岗国家级自然保护区内的一群黑叶猴的家域和漫游行为进行了为期12 个月的研究,以探讨该
物种利用喀斯特石山的规律。结果表明,黑叶猴的家域总面积为28.75 hm2 ,平均月家域面积为8.35 ±4.24 hm2
猴群平均日漫游距离为661.77 ±130.20 m。黑叶猴对家域面积的利用表现出雨季明显小于旱季的季节性变化。在雨
季,猴群的月平均家域面积为5.88 ±1.68 hm2 ;在旱季,猴群平均月家域面积为10.83 ± 4.70 hm2 。黑叶猴在雨季
的平均日漫游距离为589.93 ± 120.15 m;旱季的平均日漫游距离为733.61 ± 102.34 m,也表现出雨季小、旱季大的趋势。分析显示,食物的可获得性是影响黑叶猴的家域和日漫游距离的主要原因。研究表明,果实和嫩叶是黑叶猴最喜爱的食物,雨季果实和嫩叶丰富,猴群采食足够的食物,其活动面积和漫游距离小,反之,就大,即猴群家域面积和日活动距离与果实和嫩叶的可获得性呈负相关关系。由此推断,在喜食食物缺乏的季节,黑叶猴通过扩大家域范围和增加漫游距离来获取足够的食物,这与大多数灵长类动物应对环境食物季节性变化的对策相似,进一步说明,喀斯特石山环境并没有对黑叶猴的家域和日漫游产生特殊的影响。

关键词: 黑叶猴, 家域, 日漫游距离, 季节性变化, 食物可利用性

Abstract: To explore whether Francois’ langurs display a specially adapted strategy in karst limestone hills in relationship
to foraging and home range,we studied a group of Francois’langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi) over 12 months in NonggangNature Reserve,Guangxi,Southwest of China. The group’s total home range was 28.75 hm2 . They used 8.35 ±4.24 hm2 for home range,with an average daily ranging distance of 661.77 ±130.20 m monthly. Home range size and daily ranging distance showed significant seasonal variations. During the rainy season,the group occupied 5.88 ± 1.68 hm2 as home range,with an average daily ranging distance of 589.93 ± 120.5 m. During the dry season, they had a home range of 10.83 ± 4.70 hm2, with an average daily ranging distance of 733.61 ± 102.34 m. Further analysis showed that the food availability of fruit and young leaves influenced the group’s home range size and daily ranging distance. As the result, the home range of the langurs decreased when fruit and young were abundant, while when fruit and young leaves were scarce and mature leaves abundant, Francois’langurs increased home range size and daily ranging distance,which was similar to most of Colobinae primates. The results indicated the special futures of karst limestone habitat weren’t strong enough to force the langurs to evolve a special adaptation strategy.

Key words: Daily ranging distance, Food availability, Francois’langur(Trachypithecus francoisi), Home range, Seasonal variation