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黄小丽 刘全生 秦姣 郭明昉 田伟金   

  1. 广东省昆虫研究所
  • 出版日期:2013-02-27 发布日期:2013-02-20

Effects of mifepristone at different doses on reproduction of female mice

HUANG Xiaoli,LIU Quansheng,QIN Jiao,GUO Mingfang,TIAN Weijin   

  • Online:2013-02-27 Published:2013-02-20

摘要: 为确定米非司酮抑制害鼠繁殖的效力及适宜剂量,每2 周对雌鼠灌服不同剂量的米非司酮1 次,检测给药期间和停药后小鼠繁殖及幼鼠的生长状况。结果发现,给药期间米非司酮抑制小鼠繁殖效果存在一定的量效关系。按体重小于1.25 mg/ kg 剂量的米非司酮对小鼠繁殖无显著抑制作用;2.5 mg/ kg 以上剂量能降低小鼠的产仔率;5 mg / kg 剂量能显著降低产仔率和胎仔数;10 mg / kg 以上剂量能使小鼠完全不育。停药后雌鼠繁殖能力的恢复与之前用药剂量负相关,给药组第一胎平均胎仔数仍显著少于对照组,且第一胎分娩时间也被延迟;至第二胎时平均胎仔数趋于恢复。该结果表明多次给予米非司酮能够有效抑制雌鼠繁殖,停药后仍有一定的持效期,因此具有作为害鼠不育剂的良好潜力。

关键词: 米非司酮, 不育控制, 鼠害, 繁殖

Abstract: In order to determine the suitable dose of mifepristone for use in pest rodent control,female mice were fed with mifepristone at different doses every two weeks by gastric gavage. Reproductive parameters were determined during and after the treatments. There was a dose-dependent relationship between the anti-fertility effect of mifepristone and the doses of mifepristone during the administration. Reproduction was not inhibited significantly when the dose of mifepristone was below 1. 25 mg / kg,while the reproductive rate was reduced at 2. 5 mg/ kg. When the dose of mifepristone was 5 mg /kg,not only was the reproductive rate reduced,but the litter size also decreased significantly. Reproduction was inhibited completely when the dose of mifepristone was more than 10 mg/ kg. After cessation of administration,there was a dose-effect relationship between female mices’ reproduction and the doses of mifepristone. After stopping treatment,reproductive capabilities of mice gradually returned to a level that was the same as that of the control group. When considering the costs and benefits of rodent control,the dose of mifepristone used should be based on the dose which just inhibits reproduction completely.

Key words: Fertility control, Mifepristone, Reproduction, Rodent pest