ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 102-108.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150672
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Yongxiang ZHOU1, Yadong XUE2(), Shaochuang LIU3, Jianquan LIU1, Duoliang ZHOU1
Yadong XUE
周永祥1, 薛亚东2(), 刘少创3, 刘建泉1, 周多良1
周永祥 (1982- ),男,硕士研究生,主要从事野生动物保护研究.
CLC Number:
Yongxiang ZHOU, Yadong XUE, Shaochuang LIU, Jianquan LIU, Duoliang ZHOU. Wild camel space use as determined by different home range estimators[J]. ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 43(1): 102-108.
周永祥, 薛亚东, 刘少创, 刘建泉, 周多良. 利用不同家域计算方法对野骆驼栖息地空间利用的比较[J]. 兽类学报, 2023, 43(1): 102-108.
Fig.1 The map of study area and surrounding areas. ANB: Gansu Annanba Wild Camel National Nature Reserve; LBP: Xinjiang Lop Nur Wild Camel National Nature Reserve; DHXH: Gansu Dunhuang Xihu National Nature Reserve
Fig.2 Home range for wild camel 3317679 and 3316206 using different methods.A: MCP home range of 3317679 wild camel; B: MCP home range of 3316206 wild camel; C: KDE home range of 3317679 wild camel; D: KDE home range of 3316206 wild camel; E: dBBMM home range of 3317679 wild camel; F: dBBMM home range of 3316206 wild camel
月份* Month* | MCP家域 MCP home rang (km2) | 95% KDE家域 95% KDE home range(km2) | 50% KDE家域 50% KDE home range (km2) | 95% dBBMM家域 95% dBBMM home range (km2) | 50% dBBMM家域 50% dBBMM home range (km2) |
202103 | 4 930.92 | 1 460.12 | 225.39 | 294.92 | 6.52 |
202104 | 1 440.45 | 1 782.84 | 154.62 | 150.03 | 2.66 |
202105 | 556.34 | 417.01 | 40.29 | 75.86 | 2.59 |
202106 | 269.46 | 142.43 | 7.44 | 139.11 | 7.01 |
Table 1 Home range for 3317679 wild camel in different months
月份* Month* | MCP家域 MCP home rang (km2) | 95% KDE家域 95% KDE home range(km2) | 50% KDE家域 50% KDE home range (km2) | 95% dBBMM家域 95% dBBMM home range (km2) | 50% dBBMM家域 50% dBBMM home range (km2) |
202103 | 4 930.92 | 1 460.12 | 225.39 | 294.92 | 6.52 |
202104 | 1 440.45 | 1 782.84 | 154.62 | 150.03 | 2.66 |
202105 | 556.34 | 417.01 | 40.29 | 75.86 | 2.59 |
202106 | 269.46 | 142.43 | 7.44 | 139.11 | 7.01 |
月份 Month | MCP家域 MCP home range (km2) | 95% KDE家域 95% KDE home range(km2) | 50% KDE家域 50% KDE home range(km2) | 95% dBBMM家域 95% dBBMM home range (km2) | 50% dBBMM家域 50% dBBMM home range (km2) |
202012 | 351.42 | 313.81 | 44.02 | 23.11 | 1.86 |
202101 | 369.37 | 552.88 | 80.48 | 31.32 | 2.49 |
202102 | 631.50 | 798.57 | 90.61 | 40.66 | 3.81 |
202103 | 167.42 | 103.73 | 6.62 | 24.29 | 1.84 |
202104 | 381.88 | 371.48 | 36.60 | 36.10 | 2.26 |
202105 | 1 309.48 | 1 797.44 | 401.90 | 62.00 | 2.03 |
202106 | 1 291.45 | 982.32 | 186.32 | 60.20 | 4.68 |
Table 2 Home range for 3316206 wild camel in different months
月份 Month | MCP家域 MCP home range (km2) | 95% KDE家域 95% KDE home range(km2) | 50% KDE家域 50% KDE home range(km2) | 95% dBBMM家域 95% dBBMM home range (km2) | 50% dBBMM家域 50% dBBMM home range (km2) |
202012 | 351.42 | 313.81 | 44.02 | 23.11 | 1.86 |
202101 | 369.37 | 552.88 | 80.48 | 31.32 | 2.49 |
202102 | 631.50 | 798.57 | 90.61 | 40.66 | 3.81 |
202103 | 167.42 | 103.73 | 6.62 | 24.29 | 1.84 |
202104 | 381.88 | 371.48 | 36.60 | 36.10 | 2.26 |
202105 | 1 309.48 | 1 797.44 | 401.90 | 62.00 | 2.03 |
202106 | 1 291.45 | 982.32 | 186.32 | 60.20 | 4.68 |
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