ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 109-119.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150360

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Home range utilization and individual dispersal of re-introduced forest musk deer(Moschus berezovskii)

LIU Jiahui1, WANG Yan2, BIAN Kun2, TANG Jie2, WANG Weifeng3, GUO Linwen4, WANG Bo5, FANG Gu1, ZHAO Lan1, QI Xiaoguang1   

  1. (1 Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation,Collage of Science,Northwest University,Xi'an 710069,China)
    (2 Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation,Shaanxi Institute of Zoology,Xi'an 710032,China)
    (3 Shaanxi Forestry Bureau,Xi'an 710082,China) (4 Ningdong Forestry Bureau, Shaanxi province,Xi'an 710100,China)
    (5 Xunyangba Forest Farm, Ningdong Forestry Bureau, Shaanxi province,Xunyangba 711603, China)
  • Online:2020-04-01 Published:2020-04-09


刘嘉辉1 王艳2 边坤2 唐婕2 王伟峰3 郭林文4 王波5 方谷1 赵兰1 齐晓光1   

  1. (1 西北大学生命科学学院,陕西省秦岭珍稀濒危动物保育重点实验室,西安710069)
    (2 陕西省动物研究所,陕西省秦岭珍稀濒危动物保育重点实验室,西安710032)
    (3 陕西省林业厅,西安710082) (4 陕西省宁东林业局,西安710100)
    (5 陕西省宁东林业局旬阳坝林场,旬阳坝711603)
  • 通讯作者: 齐晓光 E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    陕西省林麝野化放归项目 (陕西省林业厅,陕西省科学院资助); 国家自然科学基金项目 (31622053); 陕西省创新人才推进计划-科技创新团队 (2018TD-017)


Forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) is a typical forest-dwelling Even-toed ungulate, and one of the national first-class protected animal species in China. Habitat loss is a key factor in its endangered. The premise of protecting this rare species is to know about the basic information of home range and habitat preference. It is hard to be traced in research due to the pressures from human-induced activities that has made them very timorous to humans. Thus, researches on its application of home ranges and territory defense, and the related behaviors are very scarce. In June 2017, we re-introduced eight forest musk deer, each of which was fitted with a GPS collar in Pingheliang National Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province, China. We obtained databases of the tracking records from six collars to calculate the size of its home range by using the fixed kernel estimator method, and analyzed its habitat selection and dispersal behaviors. Our results confirmed that the re-introduced musk deer occupy respective home range during non-breeding season, which shows solitary. They preferred the areas which were rich of vegetation and close to water resource as habitats. Its individuals preferred the areas characterized by semi-shade and semi-sun steep slopes with cliffs. The results also showed that the home range and core home areas used by male deer were 168.85 ha and 40.08 ha, separately; while those used by females included 64.87 ha and 15.36 ha, respectively. During mating season, the adult male migrated toward female, leading to an overlapping of home range. Based on these data, the research showed that the home range may be higher than previous estimation, which indicated we should enlarge its basic living area in following work of conservation and management.

Key words: Even-toed ungulate, Forest musk deer, GPS collar, Dispersal behavior, Home range, Habitat selection


林麝 (Moschus berezovskii) 是典型的林栖偶蹄目动物,被列为国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物。栖息地破坏引起的家域丧失是导致其濒危的重要因素。了解其家域面积,生境偏好等基本信息,是更好保护这一重要珍稀濒危动物的前提。但是,由于林麝生性机警,在野外环境中难以人为追踪,这些数据相对缺乏。2017年6月,我们为8只野化训练后的圈养林麝佩戴GPS项圈,并放归到陕西省平河梁国家级自然保护区。经过一年的监测,共获取6只林麝的野外活动点位,利用固定核空间法计算出家域面积,并分析了其家域特征和迁徙行为。结果显示:林麝在非繁殖期间各自占据独立的家域,表现出独居的特征;它们倾向于选择植被丰富、接近水源、半阴半阳、坡度陡峭并多悬崖峭壁的区域作为栖息地;一雄一雌两个个体全年家域面积分别为168.85hm2、64.87hm2,全年核心家域面积分别为40.08 hm2、15.36 hm2;在交配期间,雄性林麝会主动向雌性靠近,从而发生家域重叠。基于以上数据,本研究提出,林麝的实际家域面积,可能高于此前粗估,并建议在后续保护工作中,需要注重保障其基本生存面积。

关键词: 偶蹄类, 林麝, GPS项圈, 迁移行为, 家域, 栖息地选择