ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 354-362.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.201704005
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YU Jianping,CHEN Xiaonan,REN Peng,GONG Kun,BAO Yixin
余建平 陈小南 任鹏 龚堃 鲍毅新
Abstract: The study aimed to analyze the Chinese muntjac’s population resources, and to establish reasonable measures for population protection and management. We investigated the Chinese muntjac population by using traditional belt transect method and Capture-Mark-Recapture method, in Gutianshan Nature Reserve To estimate population density. In addition, the sex ratio was assessed by using genetic markers from fecal samples, which were collected during four field surveys in April 2014, July 2014, October 2014 and January 2015. The results from the belt transect method showed that the density in the whole reserve area was about (5.8±0.4)/km2 and the total population number was about 473.5±29.2. In the core area, the density was the highest(7.5±0.7)/km2, and the total number of Chinese muntjac was about 160.8±14.0. The density in the buffer area was about (5.7±0.6)/km2 and the total population was about 98.2±10.4. In the experimental area, the density of the Chinese muntjac was the lowest(3.3±0.5)/km2, and the total population was about 140.5±20.7. With the data from fecal DNA analysis, the density was estimated (4.9±0.3) /km2 across the entire reserve and the total population was 397±26. The transect sampling survey showed that, among the different functional areas, the population density varied with the change of seasons. The core area, the buffer area and experimental area had the highest population densities in spring. In the Nature Reserve Area, Chinese muntjac lived primarily at an altitude between 400 to 800 meters. In the summer, they migrated to the higher elevations, and to lower elevations in the winter. The average sex ratio of the Chinese muntjac in Gutianshan population was about 1.17:1 in different seasons, and the annual sex ratio was about 1.11:1(93♀and 84♂)(x=0.458, P=0.499). Any advantage of more female individuals was not obvious and the protection strategy should be strengthened as much as possible in order to increase the population size.
Key words: Belt transect method, Chinese muntjac(Muntiacus reevesi), Non-invasive Capture-Mark-Recapture method, Population status, Sex ratio
摘要: 为分析古田山自然保护区内小麂种群资源的现状,制定合理的保护和管理措施,本研究结合传统的样带调查法和非损伤性标志重捕法进行小麂种群资源的调查与评估。2014年4月、7月、10月和2015年1月在古田山自然保护区内进行了4次调查,结果显示:样带法得到全区的种群密度为(5.8±0.4)只/km2,种群数量为(473.5±29.2)只,其中核心区种群密度最高,为(7.5±0.7)只/km2,种群数量为(160.8±14.0)只;缓冲区为(5.7±0.6)只/km2,种群数量为(98.2±10.4)只;实验区密度最低,为(3.3±0.5)只/km2,种群数量为(140.5±20.7)只。非损伤性标志重捕法得到全区种群密度为(4.9±0.3)只/km2,种群数量为(397±26)只。样带法调查显示,不同功能区之间的种群密度随季节发生变化,核心区、缓冲区和实验区均是春季种群密度最高,保护区内小麂主要栖息在海拔400-800 m之间,夏季向高海拔区域迁移,冬季则向低海拔迁移。SRY性别鉴定结果表明,古田山小麂种群季节间平均雌雄性比1.17∶1,周年雌雄性比为1.11∶1(9只雌性,84只雄性)(x=0.458,P=0.499),雌性个体的数量优势并不是很明显,若要进一步提高种群数量,则需要加强保护。
关键词: 小麂, 种群现状, 样带法, 非损伤性标志重捕法, 性比
YU Jianping, CHEN Xiaonan, REN Peng, GONG Kun, BAO Yixin.
余建平 陈小南 任鹏 龚堃 鲍毅新. 基于样线法和非损伤性标志重捕法对古田山小麂种群现状评价[J]. 兽类学报, 2017, 37(4): 354-362.
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