Satellite tracking collars were used to monitor released captive-bred wild Bactrian camels in the Gansu Dunhuang Xihu National Nature Reserve, and space and habitat use were studied from 2012 to 2014. During the 22-month (ID:108444) and 9-month (ID:108445) monitoring periods, 3403 (ID:108444) and 1573 (ID:108445) GPS positions were obtained, respectively. Minimum Convex Polygon home range analysis showed that the home range of released wild camels covered a small area around the original enclosure at the start of the monitoring period (June-July). By August of the same year, the individual home range had expanded from 9.51 km2 to 19.37 km2 (ID:108444), and from 8.89 km2 to 19.42 km2 (ID:108445), respectively. During the monitoring periods, the individual home ranges covered the entire enclosure, with 95% Kernel home ranges of 7.72km2 (ID:108444) and 3.03 km2 (ID:108445), respectively. The intensive occupancy also indicated the habitat selection of wild camels. The released wild camels showed significant dependence on their original captive environment and proximity to people. And the released wild camels used different habitats in the release environment, especially in summer. Areas with Populus euphratica were preferred by the wild camels. This study provides useful information on the behaviour and adaptation of released captive-bred wild camels, which can be applied to the effective management of the captive-bred wild camel populations. The aim of this study was to improve the rehabilitation of captive-bred wild camels to be released into the wild.