兽类学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 451-460.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150639
漆愚1(), 苏菡1, 侯蓉2,3, 刘鹏2,3, 陈鹏2,3(), 臧航行1, 张志和3
漆愚 (1997- ),男,硕士研究生,主要从事计算机视觉和姿态估计研究. E-mail: qiyu007@foxmail.com
Yu QI1(), Han SU1, Rong HOU2,3, Peng LIU2,3, Peng CHEN2,3(), Hangxing ZANG1, Zhihe ZHANG3
对圈养大熊猫 (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) 开展长期行为监测能及时了解其所处生理周期和健康状况,有助于繁殖饲养机构迅速采取相应繁育保护措施提高饲养管理水平,但目前无法对大熊猫进行24 h监控并及时地获得相应的行为信息。准确的动物姿态估计是动物行为研究的关键,也是诸多下游应用的基础。了解大熊猫的姿态可以促进大熊猫行为研究并提升保护管理水平。为了提高复杂环境下大熊猫姿态估计的准确率,本文以高分辨率网络 (High resolution net, HRNet) 为基础网络架构提出了一种大熊猫姿态估计方法:针对大熊猫不同部位尺度差异较大的问题,在HRNet-32中引入了空洞空间金字塔池化 (Atrous spatial pyramid pooling, ASPP) 模块,在提升特征感受野的同时捕获多尺度信息;同时对大熊猫身体关键点进行分组,引入基于部位的多分支结构来学习特定于每个部位组的表征。多次对比实验结果表明本文所用模型具有较高的检测精度:在PCK@0.05中所用模型精度达到了81.51%。本文提出的方法可为大熊猫的行为分析和健康评估提供技术支撑。
漆愚, 苏菡, 侯蓉, 刘鹏, 陈鹏, 臧航行, 张志和. 基于高分辨率网络的大熊猫姿态估计方法[J]. 兽类学报, 2022, 42(4): 451-460.
Yu QI, Han SU, Rong HOU, Peng LIU, Peng CHEN, Hangxing ZANG, Zhihe ZHANG. Giant panda pose estimation method based on high resolution net[J]. ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 42(4): 451-460.
图1 大熊猫视频分帧图像. a ~ c:可用数据样例;d ~ f:不可用数据样例
Fig.1 Diagram of video framed image of giant panda. a - c: available data samples; d - f: unavailable data samples
图2 大熊猫姿态关键点标记. 1:右耳;2:左耳;3:鼻子;4:脖子;5:腰背部;6:臀部;7:右肩;8:右肘;9:右前爪;10:左肩;11:左肘;12:左前爪;13:右臀;14:右膝;15:右后爪;16:左臀;17:左膝;18:左后爪;19:大熊猫目标框
Fig.2 Diagram of the joint points of the giant panda. 1: right ear; 2: left ear; 3: nose; 4: neck; 5: back; 6: hip; 7: right shoulder; 8: right elbow; 9: right front paw; 10: left shoulder; 11: left elbow; 12: left front paw; 13: right hip; 14: right knee; 15: right hind paw; 16: left hip; 17: left knee; 18: left hind paw; 19: the giant panda target box
图3 大熊猫姿态估计总体架构图. 第一阶段为共享特征表示,第二阶段为多分支结构学习特定的高级特征表示
Fig.3 The proposed giant panda pose estimation framework. The first stage is shared feature representation, the second stage is multi-branched structures for learning specific high-level feature representations
图6 大熊猫关节点分组. 通过虚线框将大熊猫关节点分为5组,同一组的关节点颜色相同
Fig.6 Diagram of the grouping of giant panda joints. The giant panda joint points are divided into 5 groups by the dotted frame, and the joint points of the same group have the same color
方法 Methods | PCK@0.05 Accuracy For the Panda Dataset (%) | ||||
耳 Ear | 鼻 Nose | 躯干Trunk | 腿部Legs | 平均Mean | |
8-Stack HG | 93.99 | 97.50 | 68.22 | 71.84 | 74.12 |
Simple Baseline | 97.39 | 98.18 | 74.39 | 78.10 | 80.00 |
HRNet32 | 96.97 | 98.75 | 75.63 | 78.72 | 80.31 |
This study | 98.38 | 98.18 | 75.84 | 79.84 | 81.51 |
表1 大熊猫姿态估计不同模型结果比较
Table 1 Comparison results of pose estimation of giant panda
方法 Methods | PCK@0.05 Accuracy For the Panda Dataset (%) | ||||
耳 Ear | 鼻 Nose | 躯干Trunk | 腿部Legs | 平均Mean | |
8-Stack HG | 93.99 | 97.50 | 68.22 | 71.84 | 74.12 |
Simple Baseline | 97.39 | 98.18 | 74.39 | 78.10 | 80.00 |
HRNet32 | 96.97 | 98.75 | 75.63 | 78.72 | 80.31 |
This study | 98.38 | 98.18 | 75.84 | 79.84 | 81.51 |
图7 大熊猫姿态估计预测示例图. 前三列为对比模型预测的大熊猫姿态估计,第四列为本文所用模型的预测结果,最后一列为姿态估计真实值
Fig.7 Example image of giant panda pose estimation prediction. The first three columns are the giant panda pose estimates predicted by the comparison model, the fourth column is the prediction result of the model proposed in this paper, and the last column is the true value of the pose estimation
方法 Methods | PCK@0.05 Accuracy For the Panda Dataset (%) | ||||
耳 Ear | 鼻Nose | 躯干 Trunk | 腿部 Legs | 平均 Mean | |
HRNet32 | 96.97 | 98.75 | 75.63 | 78.72 | 80.31 |
HRNet32 + Multi‑Branches | 97.34 | 98.86 | 74.39 | 79.58 | 80.75 |
HRNet32 + ASPP + MultiBranches | 98.38 | 98.18 | 75.84 | 79.84 | 81.51 |
表2 大熊猫姿态估计消融实验结果
Table 2 Results of ablation experiment for giant panda pose estimation
方法 Methods | PCK@0.05 Accuracy For the Panda Dataset (%) | ||||
耳 Ear | 鼻Nose | 躯干 Trunk | 腿部 Legs | 平均 Mean | |
HRNet32 | 96.97 | 98.75 | 75.63 | 78.72 | 80.31 |
HRNet32 + Multi‑Branches | 97.34 | 98.86 | 74.39 | 79.58 | 80.75 |
HRNet32 + ASPP + MultiBranches | 98.38 | 98.18 | 75.84 | 79.84 | 81.51 |
图8 本研究模型的大熊猫姿态估计. a:拍摄角度良好,遮挡较小时的模型预测结果;b:周遭环境较暗,自遮挡严重时的模型预测结果
Fig.8 The giant panda pose estimation of this study model. a: The prediction result of the model with good shooting Angle and small occlusion; b: The prediction result of the model with dark surrounding environment and serious self-occlusion
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