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  1. 合肥野生动物园
  • 出版日期:2006-06-29 发布日期:2008-07-07


XIONG Chengpei   

  • Online:2006-06-29 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 猕猴属中大部分种类的繁殖类型可划分为季节性繁殖和非季节性繁殖两大类型。但是藏酋猴全年均有交配行为发生, 而产仔仅在1~8月间, 其类型属特殊的非季节性交配-季节性产仔繁殖类型。藏酋猴雌性在妊娠后选择的交配对象主要是高序位的雄性, 但非妊娠雌性则主要选择低序位雄性。妊娠后的雌性交配频率低于非妊娠雌性, 同时它们与成年雄性间理毛行为的发生频率亦低, 反之受到成年雄性攻击的频率却高。

关键词: 藏酋猴, 季节性繁殖型, 非季节性繁殖型, 非季节性交配-季节性产仔繁殖型

Abstract: The genus Macaca is divisible in to seasonal and non-seasonal species in breeding patterns . The Thibetan monkeys exhibited a lack of a restricted mating season , instead mating take place throughout the year with a peak in August and September, but births are concent rated between the months of January and August with a peak in March and April. During the ten years 55 births have occurred , 61% of the adult females gave birth every year, and the lowest birth in terval was 290 days and longest 871 days. The first ,conception for these females from which a mean age of 4 years. It compare the patterns of breeding in our Thibetan monkeys with those of other macaque species . They are shown a particular breeding pattern of noneasonal mating-seasonal birth. Their matings were not correlated with the conception in the four months of a year. It is suggest that in th is species social factors may play a predominant role in the regulation of sexual in teractions.
The conceived females have their copulatory activity before 57~92 days (average 70 days) of births , and they tended to mate with high-ranking adultmales. But the non-conceived females tended to mate w ith low-rank ing adult males. The non-conceived females mated more frequenty than the conceived females , and they also received more grooming f rom adult males than those conceived females , the grooming frequency was correlated with the copulatory activity . However, the conceived females received aggression f rom adult males more than the non-conceived females, it is shown that a minus correlation between the aggression f requency and copulatory activity.

Key words: Thibetan monkey (Macaca thibetana ), Seasonal breeding pattern, Non-seasonal breeding pattern, Non-seasonal mating-seasonal birth breeding pattern