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文化的起源——— 动物文化的普遍性与人类文化的独特性


  1. 北京大学心理学系,北京100871
  • 出版日期:2009-12-02 发布日期:2009-03-08

Cultural evolution:universality in animal culture and uniqueness in human culture

WAN Meiting,SU Yanjie   

  1. Department of Psychology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China
  • Online:2009-12-02 Published:2009-03-08

摘要: 在很长一段时间里文化被认为是人类文明的产物。该文提供了许多关于动物文化现象的证据,并且提供了动物创新和社会学习能力的观察与实证研究的结果,用以说明文化在动物中存在的可能性。然而,人类文化与动物文化存在着明显差异,造成这种结果的原因可能主要是两者认知能力的差异:人类特殊的认知模式———

关键词: 文化, 演化, 动物, 人类

Abstract: In most time,culture was attributed to human exclusively. However,after some investigations of animals’cultural behaviors coming out,many researchers believe that culture can exist in animal populations. In the current review, we provided observation evidences about cultural phenomena of animals in wild,as well as experimental results about cognitive foundation of cultural behaviors in laboratory. Besides,we pointed out different ways between human and animal cultures, and explained the cause of the uniqueness of human culture.

Key words: Animal, Culture, Evolution, Human