兽类学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 608-613.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150308

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吴福星1,2 王先艳1,2 丁晓辉3 戴宇飞1,2 赵丽媛1,2 祝茜3   

  1. (1自然资源部第三海洋研究所,厦门 361005)
    (2福建省海洋生态保护与修复重点实验室,厦门 361005)
    (3山东大学(威海)海洋学院,威海 264209)
  • 出版日期:2019-11-30 发布日期:2019-11-27
  • 通讯作者: 王先艳E-mail: wangxianyan@tio.org.cn;祝茜E-mail:qianzhu@sdu.edu.cn

Occurrences of Xiamen Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis Osbeck, 1765), in waters of Weitou Bay, China

WU Fuxing 1,2, WANG Xianyan 1,2, DING Xiaohui 3, DAI Yufei 1,2, ZHAO Liyuan 1,2, ZHU Qian 3   

  1. (1 Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen 361005, China
     (2 Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Xiamen 361005, China)
    (3 Ocean College, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China)
  • Online:2019-11-30 Published:2019-11-27

摘要: 厦门海域的中华白海豚是一个受威胁的种群。以往有关该种群的调查范围主要集中在厦门以及邻近的南部漳州海域。为了获得厦门岛东部海域(包括晋江围头湾、小嶝岛以及大嶝岛部分水域)白海豚的分布和数量等信息,本文于2013年6—8月对该水域进行了船基样线法调查和照相识别研究。调查期间共目击到白海豚26群,照相识别白海豚个体27头。所有照相识别的白海豚个体均与厦门中华白海豚个体识别数据库中的个体匹配,表明厦门中华白海豚的分布区至少向东延伸至围头湾。本文白海豚遇见率为5.8群/100km和24.8头/100km,均要高于以往在厦门水域的调查结果,表明大嶝岛—围头湾水域是厦门中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一,值得优先保护和管理。

关键词: 中华白海豚, 分布, 数量, 围头湾, 厦门

Abstract: The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis Osbeck, 1765, hereafter referred to as humpback dolphin) in Xiamen waters, South China Sea, is a threatened population. Previous field surveys on this population have been conducted in Xiamen waters, as well as adjacent waters of Zhangzhou in the south. Supplementary, the present study expanded boat-based surveys and photo-identification of humpback dolphin to the east, including waters of Weitou Bay, Jinjiang City as well as Xiaodeng and partial Dadeng Island, during June to August, 2013, to obtain the basic information on distribution and abundance of humpback dolphin in this region. A total of 26 independent humpback dolphin sightings were encountered and 27 individuals were identified. All the individuals identified in Weitou Bay were matched in the photo-identification database of Xiamen humpback dolphin, indicating that humpback dolphin in Weitou Bay is a partial expand to Xiamen waters. The overall encounter rates in the present study area were 5.8 sightings/100km and 24.8 individuals/100km, which were higher than those in other waters in Xiamen, indicating this area is a critical habitat for humpback dolphins, and deserves high priority for conservation and management.

Key words: Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin,Sousa chinensis, Occurrence, Abundance, Weitou Bay, Xiamen