兽类学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 58-68.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150584
霍达亮 (1995- ),男,硕士研究生,主要从事动物生理生态学研究.
Daliang HUO, Shasha LIAO, Jing CAO, Zhijun ZHAO()
Zhijun ZHAO
食物资源的不确定性是动物在自然环境中面临的重要挑战之一。“代谢率转换”假说认为,动物应对食物短缺的能量学策略在于降低代谢率以减少能量支出。然而在不同环境温度下非冬眠小型哺乳动物应对食物短缺的“代谢率转换”策略,尚不明确。为探究这一问题,将成年雄性黑线仓鼠在低温 (5.0℃)、室温 (21.0℃) 和高温 (32.5℃) 下断食处理24 h、36 h和48 h,再恢复自由取食 (重喂食) 5周。以植入式i-button测定腹腔体温,以开放式氧气分析系统测定代谢率、静息代谢率 (RMR) 和非颤抖性产热 (NST),以放射性免疫技术测定血清三碘甲腺原氨酸 (T3) 和四碘甲状腺原氨酸 (T4) 浓度。结果发现,与32.5℃组相比,5.0℃和21.0℃组断食后体温显著降低。断食组和重喂食组昼间和夜间代谢率、RMR和NST在低温下显著增加,高温下显著降低,然而断食组与重喂食组之间无显著差异。断食组黑线仓鼠脂肪贮存显著减少,环境温度越低脂肪动员越迅速。重喂食后脂肪贮存显著增加,但低温抑制脂肪贮存。断食组和重喂食组血清T3和T4水平无显著差异,但受环境温度的影响,低温下显著增加,与代谢产热的变化相一致。结果表明,不同温度下经历食物短缺的黑线仓鼠维持较高代谢率,不符合“代谢率转换”假说;低温下较高的代谢率主要用于满足体温调节的能量需求,甲状腺激素对代谢产热的促进作用是其内在机制之一。
霍达亮, 廖莎莎, 曹静, 赵志军. 不同温度下黑线仓鼠应对食物短缺的能量学对策[J]. 兽类学报, 2022, 42(1): 58-68.
Daliang HUO, Shasha LIAO, Jing CAO, Zhijun ZHAO. The energy budget of striped hamsters in response to food shortage at different temperatures[J]. ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 42(1): 58-68.
图1 不同温度下断食和重喂食黑线仓鼠的时间轴. RMR:静息代谢率;NST:非颤抖性产热. 断食前和重喂食期间测定体重和摄食量
Fig. 1 The timeline of striped hamsters subjected to food deprivation and refeeding at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃. DMR: Daily metabolic rate; Tb: Body temperature; RMR: Resting metabolic rate; NST: Nonshivering thermogenesis; TH: Thyroid hormones; DEI: Digestible energy intake. Body mass and food intake were measured before food deprivation and ad libitum refeeding
图2 不同温度下断食期间的黑线仓鼠体温变化 (A)、昼间和夜间平均体温 (B、C,数据为平均值 ± 标准误). day 0,断食前;FD: day 1、FD:day 2,断食后第1、2天. * 温度对体温的影响显著 (P < 0.05)
Fig. 2 Body temperature (Tb) (A), and average Tb during light and dark phases (B and C, mean ± SE) of striped hamsters subjected to food deprivation at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃. day 0, before food deprivation; FD: day 1, day 2, the first and second day of food deprivation. * significant effect of temperature on Tb (P < 0.05)
图3 不同温度下断食和重喂食期间黑线仓鼠体重 (A) 和日摄食量 (B) 的变化 (平均值 ± 标准误). FD:断食;Re:重喂食;** 温度对日摄食量的影响显著 (P < 0.01)
Fig. 3 Body mass (A), and daily food intake (B) of striped hamsters subjected to food deprivation and refeeding at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃ (mean ± SE). FD: food deprivation; Re: refeeding. ** significant effect of temperature on daily food intake (P < 0.01)
图4 不同温度下重喂食黑线仓鼠摄入能 (GEI, A)、消化能 (DEI, B)、粪能 (GEF, C) 和消化率 (D) (平均值 ± 标准误). 柱上不同字母表示组间差异显著 (P < 0.05)
Fig. 4 Gross energy intake (GEI, A), digestive energy intake (DEI, B), gross energy of feces (GEF, C) and digestibility (D) of striped hamsters subjected to food deprivation and refeeding at 5.0℃, 21.0℃and 32.5℃ (means ± SE). Different letters above the columns indicate significant difference between groups (P < 0.05)
图5 不同温度下断食 (A) 与重喂食 (B) 的黑线仓鼠代谢率. 数据为平均值 (A、B) 或者平均值 ± 标准误 (C、D). FD: day 1、FD:day 2,断食后第1、2天. Ptem**,温度的影响显著 (P < 0.01)
Fig. 5 The metabolic rate (MR) during food deprivation (A) and refeeding (B) of striped hamsters at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃. Data are means (A, B) or mean ± SE (C, D). FD: day 1, day 2, the first and second day of food deprivation. Ptem**, significant effect of temperature (P < 0.01)
图6 重喂食后不同温度下黑线仓鼠静息代谢率 (A) 和非颤抖性产热 (B) (平均值 ± 标准误). 不同字母表示组间差异显著 (P < 0.05)
Fig. 6 Resting metabolic rate (RMR) (A) and nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) (B) during refeeding of striped hamsters at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃ (mean ± SE). Different letters above the columns indicate significant difference between groups (P < 0.05)
图7 不同温度下断食与重喂食黑线仓鼠的脂肪重量 (平均值 ± 标准误). PFD为断食的影响;Ptem为温度的影响;**,P < 0.01
Fig. 7 The mass of fat deposit of striped hamsters subjected to food deprivation and refeeding at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃ (mean ± SE). BAT: Brown adipose tissue. PFD means significant effect of food deprivation; Ptem means significant effect of temperature. **, P < 0.01
图8 不同温度下断食与重喂食黑线仓鼠的血清T3浓度 (A)、T4浓度 (B) 和T3/T4 (C) (平均值 ± 标准误). PFD为断食的影响;Ptem为温度的影响;* P < 0.05;** P < 0.01
Fig. 8 Serum T3 (A), T4 (B) and T3/T4 (C) of striped hamsters subjected to food deprivation and refeeding at 5.0℃, 21.0℃ and 32.5℃(mean ± SE). PFD means significant effect of food deprivation; Ptem means significant effect of temperature. * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01
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