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李仲来, 刘来福, 张耀星   

  1. 北京师范大学数学系
  • 出版日期:2006-06-29 发布日期:2008-07-07


LI Zhonglai, LIU Laifu, ZHANG Yaoxing   

  • Online:2006-06-29 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 根据内蒙古自治区正镶白旗乌宁巴图苏木1974~ 1993 年啮齿动物密度监测资料进行分析, 得到如下结果。共捕啮齿动物13 种, 其中达乌尔黄鼠(Citellus dauricus) 为优势种(67.85%)、五趾跳鼠( Allactaga sibirica) 为次优势种(10.16% ) , 长爪沙鼠(Merionesung uiculatus)、布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)、达乌尔鼠兔( Ochotona daurica) 为常见种, 余为少见种。黄鼠密度与个体数(单位面积上啮齿动物的个体数之和)呈正相关(P < 0.000 1)、五趾跳鼠与个体数、黄鼠密度呈负相关(P < 0.001)。个体数与黄鼠、五趾跳鼠密度的回归模型为:(个体数) = 1.065+ 0.916 (黄鼠密度) + 0.310 (五趾跳鼠密度) (P < 0.000 1)。黄鼠密度显著地影响鼠类的多样性和均匀性。另外, 本文给出了种群增长的分段Logistic 模型: N (t) = K/{1+ { [K- N (t0) ] /N ( t0) } exp {- [ r0 ( t- t0) + ( r1- r0) (t- tc) H (ttc)]}} 其中N ( t) 是在时刻t种群的密度, K是环境容纳量, r0和r1是种群的瞬时增长率, tc 是转变点, H ( t- tc) = 1, t≥tc, H ( t- tc) = 0, t< tc。利用非线性模型的正割法(DUD, Doesn’t use derivatives) , 可同时确定模型的所有参数(包括变点tc在内)。并用于描述黄鼠密度和个体数的种群动态。

关键词: 啮齿动物, 密度, 达乌尔黄鼠, 相关分析, 多样性, 分段Logistic 模型

Abstract: According to the population of rodents inWuningbatu Sumu, Zhengxiangbai Qi, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region during 1974~1993, the authors have found that there were 13 rodent species, with Citellus dauricus (67.85% ) as the dominant species and Allactaga sibirica (10.16% ) came second, the common species were Meriones unguiculatus, Microtus brandti and Ochotona daurica, and the other species were very few.The correlation between the number of individuals ( the sum of population densities of rodents in unit area) and density of C. dauricus was positive (P < 0.0001) , between A .sibirica and the number of individuals, and between A.sibirica and C. dauricus were negative, respectively (P < 0.001). The regression model was ( the number of individuals) = 1.065+ 0.916 (density of C. dauricus) + 0.310 (density of A . sibirica) (P < 0.0001). The diversity and evenness of rodents were influenced significantly by the density of C. dauricus. In another part, a Logistic piecewise model of the population growth N (t) = K/{1+ { [K- N (t0) ] /N ( t0) } exp {- [ r0 ( t- t0) + ( r1- r0) (t- tc) H (ttc)]}} was introduced, where N ( t) was a population density at time t, K was a carrying capacity, r0 and r1 were instantaneous rates of increase, tc was a change point, H ( t- tc) = 1,t≥tc, and H ( t- tc) = 0, otherwise. The parameters and the change point were determinted at the same time by the multivariate secant ( DUD, Doesn’t use derivatives) method of the nonlinear model. Finally, two simulation examples in the density of C.dauricus and the number of individuals were given respectively.

Key words: Rodent, Density, Citellus dauricus, Correlation analysis, diversity, Logistic piecewise model