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黎大勇,任宝平,Cyril C.Grueter,周岐海,彭正松,魏辅文,李保国   

  1. 西北大学生命科学学院,西部资源生物与现代生物技术省部共建教育部重点实验室,710069 西安
  • 出版日期:2009-12-02 发布日期:2009-03-08

Seasonal selection of sleeping sites in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) at Gehuaqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve

LI Dayong,REN Baoping2 ,Cyril C.Grueter,ZHOU Qihai,PENG Zhengsong,WEI Fuwen,LI Baoguo   

  1. Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China of Minist ry of Education,and college of life sciences,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,China
  • Online:2009-12-02 Published:2009-03-08

摘要: 2005 年9 月至2006 年9 月,在白马雪山自然保护区南端的格花箐,对一群(约250 只)滇金丝猴的夜宿地选择与利用情况进行调查。整个调查历时13 个月,确认研究群的夜宿点54 个,共记录夜宿地的利用次数137次,提示研究群在其中一些地点多次夜宿。滇金丝猴夜宿地在平均海拔分布上存在明显的季节性差异:夏季猴
群夜宿地的平均海拔为3 352 m,为一年中夜宿地分布最高的时期;春季猴群则多选择在低海拔地区夜宿,平均海拔在一年中最低(3 082 m)。猴群夜宿地集中分布于3 200 ~ 3 400 m 的海拔范围,随季节变化,不同海拔梯度上的夜宿地数量和利用频次差异明显。虽然猴群夜宿地主要位于针阔混交林中,但是不同季节猴群夜宿地植被的组成明显不同。猴群明显偏好在位于南坡面和西坡面的地点过夜,在夏季和秋季尚未发现北坡向的夜宿地。研究还表明,不同季节,猴群都会不同程度地在少数几个地点多次过夜,但大多数夜宿地在一年中仅利用一次。滇金丝猴为什么会对某些地点多次利用尚需进一步研究证实。

关键词: 滇金丝猴, 夜宿地, 海拔, 季节变化, 植被类型

Abstract: Data on seasonal selection and use of sleeping sites of a group of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti)at Gehuaqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve were collected from September 2005 to September 2006.Fifty-four sleeping sites were identified and were used 137 nights during the 13 months investigation. Altitudinal distributions of investigated sleeping sites were significantly seasonal for our study group. Sleeping sites mainly distributed at a belt of 3 200 -3 400 m (ASL)that confined in the conifer and broadleaf mixed forest. The monkeys slept at night at the highest average
elevation of 3 352 m in summer and at the lowest 3 082 m in spring.The monkeys preferred to stay at the west-faced and south-faced slopes at night,but avoided sleeping at north-faced slopes at night in summer and autumn. Some sleeping sites were repeatedly used when the group passed by and most sleeping sites were slept only once during the whole study period.Why the monkey group only repeated at some sleeping sites need further study.

Key words: Altitude, Seasonal variation, Sleeping sites, Vegetation type, Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti)