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林翙  方盛国   

  1. 浙江大学生命科学学院
  • 出版日期:2005-07-26 发布日期:2008-07-07

Genomic Library Construction and Perspectives on Applications in Conservation Genetics

LIN Hui FANG Shengguo   

  • Online:2005-07-26 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 基因组文库是进行分子克隆和基因组结构与功能研究的基础。完整的基因组文库的构建, 使任何DNA 片段的筛选和获得成为可能。随着不同克隆载体的相继出现, 基因组文库也经历了一系列的发展过程。其中, BAC文库因其转化效率高、嵌合体少、插入片段易回收, 以及容载量较大等优点而被广泛应用。近几十年来, 随着环境的日益恶化、分子遗传学技术的迅速发展, 以及保护生物学和分子遗传学的不断相互渗透, 孕育产生了保护遗传学这一分支学科。作为保护遗传学中物种保护策略的重要部分, 建立濒危野生动植物的基因组文库, 是保存其种质资源的最为有效的实际手段和方法, 并能为进一步开展与生殖、疾病和重要经济性状等方面有关的功能基因的研究, 提供可靠的材料保证。

关键词: 基因组文库, 保护遗传学, 濒危, 野生动植物, 保存

Abstract: The construction of a genomic library is essential to research on genome structure and function. A comprehensive genomic library makes it possible to screen and isolate any DNA fragments from it. With the emergence of various vector systems in recent years, genomic libraries have also developed. Among these vector systems, the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) is presently the most widely used due to its higher transformation efficiency, lower chimerism level, ease with which inserted fragments can be isolated, and larger capability. Because of increasing human population, environmental destruction, and the rapid development of molecular genetics in recent decades, the newfield of conservation genetics, employing the theories of conservation biology and molecular genetics, has come on the stage. The construction of a genomic library of endangered wildlife, which has been playing a more and more important role in species conservation strategy, is the most effective means to save the genome resource and to provide material support for advanced research in conservation genetics.

Key words: Genomic library, Conservation genetics, Endangered, Wildlife, Save