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  1. 成都动物园,成都 610081
  • 出版日期:2010-05-27 发布日期:2010-03-02

Paternity determination by seven microsatellite loci for the captive hog deer

YU Jianqiu,WANG Qiang,LIU Xuanzhen,DENG Jiabo,ZHAO Bo,NIU Lili,LIAN Hong,RUAN Xiangdong   

  1. Chengdu Zoo,Chengdu 610081,China
  • Online:2010-05-27 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 豚鹿属我国国家I 级重点保护动物,目前国内野生种群已经灭绝,人工圈养数量少,已极度濒危。成都动
节。本文利用7 个微卫星标记对成都动物园27 只豚鹿个体进行了基因分型,在母本已知情况下成功鉴定了13 对父子关系,其中排除法鉴定8 对,似然法鉴定5 对且置信度达95% 。将亲子鉴定的结果辅以动物园豚鹿圈养的

关键词: 豚鹿, 微卫星, 亲子鉴定, 谱系

Abstract: The hog deer (Axis porcinus) is a Class 1 National Key Protected Species in China;the species has been extirpated within China. China has a captive population of only about 30,of which the Chengdu Zoo has 22. It is critical for captive management within China to identify paternity relationships and establish the pedigree of the hog deer population in the Chengdu Zoo. We used 7 microsatellites to genotype 22 live and 5 dead hog deer individuals from the Chengdu Zoo;we identified potential 13 paternal relationships for animals in which maternity was already known. The exclusion method defined 8 of the 13 father - offspring pairs. The likelihood method determined the remaining 5 pairs with a confidence level of 95% . Combining the result of this paternity test with the breeding records of the Chengdu Zoo,we constructed the genetic pedigree for this hog deer population. Our result will serve as an important reference for the future artificial breeding strategy and management of the captive hog deer population in China.

Key words: Hog deer (Axis porcinus), Microsatellite, Paternity identification, Pedigree