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Distribution pattern and zoogeographical discussion of mammals in Xin-jiang

HUANG Wei,XIA Lin,FENG Zuojian,YANG Qisen   

  • Online:2007-12-11 Published:2008-07-07


黄薇, 夏霖, 冯祚建, 杨奇森   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所,北京

Abstract: Xinjiang is located in the northwestern portion of China. Altogether,138 species of mammals belonging to 8 orders and 22 families have been recorded by the authors in Xinjiang. Among them,119 species (86.2% of the total number of the mammals) are considered to be Palaearctic and 9 species to be Oriental mammals,with the others considered to be widely spread mammals. On the basis of regions of investigation,we identified 85 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU) for clustering. Then the information of mammals in each was used to compute composition similarity for the 85 OTU using
Ward's methods of cluster analysis. According to the composition of clustering analysis and of the local landform in Xinjiang etc. , the zoogeographic distribution can be divided into three grades. First, the region of northern part and Hami Basin is separated from the others in Xinjiang. Second,the region of the Altay Mountains is separated from the others in the north,while the region of northern Karakorum-Kunlun Mountains and southern Tarim Basin is separated from the others in the south. Third,the deltaic region of Yily,the region of southern Junggar Basin,the region of Tarbagatai Mountains and
the northwest of Junggar Basin and the region of Hami Basin and western Tianshan Mountains are all separated from each, while the region of southern Tianshan Mountains and Pamir Altiplano and the region of northern Tarim Basin are separated from each other. Obviously,the distribution of species is associated with the environments where they live,and some natural barriers can restrict dispersal of mammals.

Key words: Clustering analysis, Distribution pattern, Mammals, Xinjiang, Zoogeographic division

摘要: 通过整理文献资料,依据Wilson 和Reeder (2005)兽类分类系统,共收集到新疆兽类138 种,分别隶属8目22 科。根据兽类在各个特定分布区的分布特点,采用Ward 的方法对各特定分布区进行聚类,依据特定分布区的相似性聚类结果,并结合自然地理条件,对新疆兽类动物地理分布格局进行了探讨,并将全疆兽类动物地理区划划分到第Ⅲ级。结果表明,物种丰富度与分布区的环境异质性密切相关,同时,区域环境一致性较高的地区,其兽类区系成份相似度亦较高,聚类结果的一致性较强;新疆兽类的分布受地形因素的影响较显著,天山和塔克拉玛干沙漠等明显的地理界限对兽类的交流、扩散起到明显的阻隔作用。

关键词: 新疆, 兽类, 聚类分析, 分布格局, 动物地理区划