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    Human-large mammals conflicts:A new challenge of wildlife conservation
    CAI Jing,JIANG Zhigang
    Abstract1856)      PDF (357KB)(3481)       Save
    Human-mammals conflict has become a problem worldwide. It not only brings damage to those people who live near the wildlife,but also causes problems to the conservation for wildlife. Main species causing problems include the wildelephants in Africa and Asia,the deer in North America and most of the large and median sized carnivores worldwide. The factors causing human and large mammals conflicts include the human population increases,wildlife habitat losses,change of land use pattern and wildlife population growth after effective implementation of conservation measures. Quite often several factors are involved in the human-large mammals conflicts. To resolve this problem,the government should enhance the management of large mammals and try to reduce the damage caused by those wild animals. On the other hand,the government
    should care the indigenous communities that are near the nature reserves and to help to develop the local economy while raising conservation awareness in the indigenous communities.
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    Population size and distribution of western black crested gibbon ( Nomascus concolor) in Ailao Mountain, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province
    LI Genhui, QIN Zhongyi, LU Lixiong, GAO Wenjun, LUO Wenfu, LI Han, LI Yuwu, YIN Cunquan, XU Ping, YIN Guanghua, LI Fabao, NIU Xiaowei, JIANG Xuelong
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2023, 43 (5): 513-522.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150749
    Abstract703)   HTML20)    PDF (5140KB)(1467)       Save
    From November to December 2020, we conducted the second field survey on the population and distribution of the western black crested gibbon ( Nomascus concolor) in Ailao Mountain, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan by interviews and loud morning calls counting method. The survey recorded 61 groups and 14 individuals of western black crested gibbon, a total of about 270 individuals in the National Nature Reserve and its surrounding state forest areas. The gibbon population was mainly found (59 groups and 13 individuals) from the central part of Chuxiong City to the south part of Shuangbai County, while from the central to the north part of Nanhua County it was represented by a small isolated population (two groups and one individual). Compared with the previous survey in 2005, the population of the western black crested gibbon in Ailao Mountains, Chuxiong Prefecture increased significantly but still facing threats from population isolation and human disturbance such as grazing by cattle and goats. According to the current population and distribution pattern, we propose to conduct long-term population dynamic monitoring for concentrated populations, regular and irregular patrolling for isolated and marginal distributed groups, habitat assessment and restoration, and assign the groups in state forests managed by national nature reserve management and protection bureau for protection and conservation of western black crested gibbons in Ailao Mountains, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan.
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    Catalogue of mammals in China(2021)
    WEI Fuwen, YANG Qisen, WU Yi, JIANG Xuelong, LIU Shaoying, LI Baoguo, YANG Guang, LI Ming, ZHOU Jiang, LI Song, HU Yibo, GE Deyan, LI Sheng, YU Wenhua, CHEN Bingyao, ZHANG Zejun, ZHOU Caiquan, WU Shibao, ZHANG Li, CHEN Zhongzheng, CHEN Shunde, DENG Huaiqing, JIANG Tinglei, ZHANG Libiao, SHI Hongyan, LU Xueli, LI Quan, LIU Zhu, CUI Yaqian, LI Yuchun
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2021, 41 (5): 487-501.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150595
    Abstract13533)      PDF (1771KB)(7083)       Save
    China is one of the countries with the highest diversity of mammalian species. Knowledge of mammalian diversity and their taxonomy is fundamental to mammalian research and is the basis of scientific conservation of wild populations. To clarify the species diversity and important taxonomic information such as the taxonomic position of mammals in China, the China Mammalogical Society organized an editorial committee consisting of taxonomists studying different taxonomic groups. Based on previous taxonomic studies and the latest morphological and genetic evidences, the editorial committee produced the latest catalogue of mammalian species in China. This catalogue includes 12 orders, 59 families, 254 genera, and 686 species. The catalogue uses the taxonomy system based on phylogeny and fully discusses the validity of species taxonomy.
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    QUO Yanshu , ZHENQ Huizhen
    Abstract2818)      PDF (506KB)(3534)       Save
    In early Pleistocene, sika deer was only found in north China region and Taiwan; in middle pleistocene to holocence it extended to northeast region the east of Mongolia-Xinkian region the central China region the south China region, the east of southwest region and Qinghai-Tibet region. There is only one species ( Cervus nippon) in the east Asia from early pleistocene to holocene. It is devided into nine subspecies in China (C. n. sintikuensis, C. n. taicxuanus, C. n.grayi,C. n .hortulorum,C. n .mandarinu, C. n. grassianus,C. n. sinchuanrinus, C. n . kopschi C. n . pseudxis). Sika deer whose home is on the edge of the forest has better adaptabililty. Its distribution regions are abruptly shrinking with the continuous rising of Qinghai-Tibet plateau and man’s action after ice age. Now, there are only 1500 wild sika deers in China. It is discussed evolutionary history of sika deer yet.
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    Taxonomic and systematic research progress of mammals in China
    YU Wenhua, HE Kai, FAN Pengfei, CHEN Bingyao, LI Sheng, LIU Shaoying, ZHOU Jiang, YANG Qisen, LI Ming, JIANG Xuelong, YANG Guang, WU Shibao, LU Xueli, HU Yibo, LI Baoguo, LI Yuchun, JIANG Tinglei, WEI Fuwen, WU Yi
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2021, 41 (5): 502-524.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150535
    Abstract3022)      PDF (3119KB)(3898)       Save
    Rich mammalian diversity in China ranks it as one of the key groups in maintaining ecological function. Since Mr. John R. Reeves conducted the first mammalian survey in Guangdong, China, from 1829 to 1834, Chinese mammal taxonomic and systematic researches have made remarkable progress in the past 200 years. Presently, the number of mammal species in China has reached 686, representing about 10% of all mammals and making it one of the most diverse countries in mammal species in the world. As China attaches greater importance to ecological protection, the ecological environment is increasingly improved. Nevertheless, along with global climate change, increasing human activities and the emergence of major human-animal epidemics, the importance of mammal surveys and taxonomic clarification has become more apparent. Meanwhile, this traditional discipline is constantly incorporating state-of-art techniques, such as integrative taxonomy, digitization of specimens, type specimens sequencing technique, portable sequencing techniques and deep learning-based species identification, with the goals of verifying species identification, building proper taxonomic classifications, and promoting the application and transformation of taxonomic achievements to other discipline. Animal taxonomy, a traditional basic discipline, is also the basis for many branches in modern biology, such as genetics, physiology, ecology, medicine and pharmacology. However, due to distinct characteristics among disciplines, it has not received sufficient attention in recent years. It is thus necessary to value traditional taxonomy, morphology and other basic disciplines at the national level, and provide special policy and financial support on talent training and funding.
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    KONG Linglu, LAN Minjian, YANG Shikui, YANG Zhiyong, DENG Yinghong
    Abstract1375)      PDF (158KB)(2272)       Save
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    Advances in reproductive isolation mechanisms during animal speciation
    ZHANG Yuxing, WU Hong, YU Li
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2023, 43 (6): 627-643.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150838
    Abstract491)   HTML15)    PDF (4322KB)(724)       Save
    The process of speciation and its mechanism is not only the‘mystery of mysteries’of Darwin, but also a key to understanding the biological diversity in nature, and it is also one of the scientific focuses in the field of evolutionary biology. Speciation refers to the evolutionary process in which a new species diverges from its ancestors, and it is also the process of reproductive isolation or barrier establishment among populations. The exploration and revelation of this process and its inherent genetic mechanism are the key to understanding the phenomenon of biodiversity. By focusing on animal groups, this review systematically describes the ways of reproductive isolation establishment and their molecular mechanisms, then discusses the bottlenecks, challenges and potential opportunities faced by current research on animal reproductive isolations, with a view to providing reference and inspiration for subsequent research on animal speciation.
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    A preliminary study of wolverine in Altay, Xinjiang
    LIU Xu, MA Ming, XU Fujun, XIONG Jiawu, Zhu Shibing, CUI Shaopeng, JIANG Zhigang, ZHANG Tong, GUO Hong, ERBOLAT Tuoliuhan
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2018, 38 (5): 519-524.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150161
    Abstract2167)      PDF (7555KB)(3270)       Save
    Wolverine ( Gulo gulo) distribution in China is small, being found only in the Great Khingan Mountains, northeast China and the Altay Mountains, northwest China. It had been category Ⅰstate key protected wild animals because of the rarely population. Some studies of wolverines have been done in the Great Khingan Mountains but few in the Altay Mountains. In 2013-2016, we surveyed six chosen ranges to estimate the population size and density of wolverine in the Altay Mountains using a line transect method, a trace method, a questionnaire survey and infrared cameras. As a result, we directly observed and captured wolverines in Kaba, Burjin (Kanas Nature Reserve), Altai (Xiao donggou), Fuyun (Kurmut), Qinghe (Qinggil River). The population size in Altay Mountains was estimated approximately to be 97-166 individuals, from which the density was estimated to be 2.57-4.39 individuals/ 1000 km2. This scarce population may be related to grazing pressure, reduced food resources, habitat loss, or the increasing interference of human activity. As well, the conflict between wolverines and livestock and the border fencecould be another reason.
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    A review of research on the dietary specialization in vampire bats
    CHEN Yuxuan, ZHAO Huabin
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2019, 39 (2): 202-208.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150240
    Abstract2678)      PDF (8245KB)(3073)       Save
    Members of Chiroptera (i.e. bats) possess a huge diversity of diets, which include insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, fruits, flowers, nectar, pollen, foliage, and blood. Of bats, approximately 70% of bat species are insectivorous, while only three species of bats (i.e. vampire bats) feed exclusively on blood. Vampire bats are the only group of mammals that drink blood, which appear to be unique and have become an attractive animal model to study dietary shift in mammals. Here we review studies on morphology, physiology, behavior, sensory systems, and gut microbiota in vampire bats, and highlight their adaptive traits of dietary specializations. Following the release of a high-quality genome sequence of the common vampire bat, we will have opportunities to explore functional changes of diet-related genes in vampire bats, aiming to dissect the molecular basis of dietary shift in animals. This review will be helpful in future studies of dietary changes in vampire bats and other animals.
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    ZHANG Jianxu,ZHANG Zhibin,WANG Zuwang
    Abstract2450)      PDF (161KB)(1971)       Save
    In a Y-maze, the focal female ratlike hamsters ( Cricetuus triton) preferred body odor of males to females' or control (P<0.05) ; themale did not show a sexual preference for body odor ( P> 0.05), while preferred body odor of conspecific to control, these results indicated that body odor are attractive to the hamster, and the hamster’s response to the odor had sexual difference. The focal hamster spent more time in one of arms of Y-maze with hamster demonstrator than another control arm ( P< 0.05 or P < 0.01) ; males spent more time in one of arms with same-sex hamster demonstrator than another with the opposite-sex individual conspecific ( P< 0.01), and females did not spend different time ( P > 0.05). The results were mediatedby combination of agonistic behavior and mating patterns. The staged dyadic encounters were conducted in a neutral arena.Paired encounters between both same sexes contained frequent agonistic acts and few amiable acts, and the victors had more attack and flank gland marking ( P < 0.05 o r P < 0.01); although both male sand females exhibited less aggression when paired with opposite-sex conspecific, amiable acts were also fewer, and females received males' mounting only on the estrous day of estrous cycle and attacked males on other days of. The above results implied that the hamster was solitary and that f lank gland marking was positively related to agonistic behavior and dominant status. Ratlike hamsters had a typical mating behavior and exhibit multiple intromission followed by multiple ejaculations. Both males' Coolidge effectand females' multiple matings indicated that the hamster was polygynousor promiscuous mating.
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    Marine mammal researches in China
    HAO Yujiang,WANG Kexiong,HAN Jiabo,ZHENG Jingsong,XIAN Yijie,YAO Zhiping,LU Zhichuang,LI Haiyan,ZHANG Xianfeng
    Abstract7964)      PDF (441KB)(5355)       Save
    Researchers in China have studied marine mammals for over 80 years. In recognition of Acta Theriologica Sinica’s
    30 year anniversary,we have reviewed the history of this research using an extensive published literature as well as our own research and experience,summarized its progress,and discuss future prospects. Marine mammals in this paper are divided into three groups:whales,pinnipeds,and other marine mammals. We have focused on research examining the ecology, rearing and breeding biology,conservation genetic,acoustics,and conservation biology for selected species. Two main points have been drawn from the review. First,Chinese research on marine mammals is at the forefront of some fields including research on rearing and breeding biology,c onservation biology,and bio-acoustics of river dolphin or porpoise. The second point,unfortunately,is that there is a lack of systematics studies on marine mammals in Chinese coastal waters. Finally, we expect to see significant breakthroughs and real progress on the protection of endangered species in the near future.
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    Feeding activity of François langurs in Karst habitat
    ZHOU Qihai,CAI Xiangwen,HUANG Chengming,LI Youbang,LUO Yaping
    Abstract3868)      PDF (1396KB)(4141)       Save
    To explore the influence of habitat fragmentation on the ecology of the François langur ( Trachypithecus francoisi), data on habitat use were collected from a group of François langurs living in an isolated hill in the Fusui Rare Animal Nature Reserve,Guangxi Province,between August 2002 and July 2003. Our results indicated that there was significant variation in the distribution of feeding activity in different vertical hill zones They showed preference for feeding in the middle zone. The top zone,as well as the bottom zone were used less for feeding. Langurs' feeding activities were concentrated in six patches,with a total area of 7.94 ha,which occupied 18.9% of the habitat. The densities of langurs' preferred food plants in the feeding patches were higher than that in the non-feeding patches. Langurs' diet varied according to season, even though leaves contributed a large proportion of the diet. This diet shift corresponded to seasonal variations in the utilization of feeding patches.
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    WEI Fuwen 1, XU Guangzan 1, HU Jinchu 1, LI Pei 2
    Abstract1455)      PDF (1577KB)(2282)       Save
    This paper reports the age determination methods for giant panda. The results are as follows:Having studied the incisor sections of known-age panda specimens,we find their age in years corresponds to the number of cementum annuli. The true age of a panda can be obtained by adding one to the number of cementum annuli,as the incisors drop away after they are one-year-old.Having studied the wear of molars we find the older the panda is, the more the molars wear. According to the wear of molars and skull growth we can divide the panda into six age classes: 0-2 years old, 3-4,5-9,10-14,15-19 and 20-26. It's more convenient to determine approximate age in the field by age classes without sectioning the incisors.
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    Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) predation on livestock in Hunchun Nature Reserve,Jilin,China
    LIU Yu, ZHANG Endi,LI Zhihong,CHEN Xiaojie
    Abstract1686)      PDF (456KB)(1912)       Save
    We examined predation on livestock by the Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) in Hunchun Nature Reserve, Jilin, China, through field surveys and studying claims made by local residents from May 2002 to October 2004. There were 38 claims and a total of 51 livestock were killed in these claims. Date, kills number, type, age and sex, tiger trails and the GPS data of the predation spots. We used Mann-Whitney U to test the significance of difference. GIS analysis was employed to quantify these spots with 10 ecological variables. We use PCA to identify the principle components among the 10 variables. Results show that cattle and horses were the main species of livestock preyed on. Considering the ratio of total numbers, tigers showed no preference for cattle or horses. Tigers preferred prey adult animals, and most tiger predation claims involved single or two victims. Most predation claims occurred during the non-frozen season (March-November). Location of predation, in order of importance of the 10 ecological variables was: distance away from residence > elevation >distance away from road > land use type II > slope > aspect > distance away from river > vegetation type > road type > land use type I. Mean distance from residence was 3 666 ± 2 308 m, which was highly significantly nearer than that of tiger bed, sphinx or scrape. Mean elevation was 280 ± 114 m, which was highly significantly lower than that of tiger beds and significantly lower than that of sphinx and scrape. Mean distance from roads was 522 ± 543 m, which was highly significantly nearer than that of tiger scrape, ignificantly nearer than that of bed and nearly significantly nearer than that of sphinx. Among the 26 predation locations,14 were in less protected forests,6 were in specially protected forest,3 were in farmland,2 were in shrubbery and 1 was near the residence area. In total, tigers preyed on a total of 11 851 kg of livestock, costing at least 116 126.00 RMB loss.
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    Mating behavior of captive wolves (Canis lupus) in Heilongjiang,China
    SHA Weilai,ZHANG Honghai,KONG Fanfan,CHEN Lei,ZHANG Chengde
    Abstract7204)      PDF (237KB)(3936)       Save
    In order to better understand mating patterns and processes of captive wolves ( Canis lupus), we observed 4 pairs in the Harbin North Forest Zoo for about 25 days (225 hours in total)from October 2005 to April 2006. We used focal animal sampling and all occurrence recording. Mating behaviors usually occurred during 8∶ 00 - 10∶00 am and 14∶00 -16∶ 00 pm. Among 741 mounts recorded,46 copulations were observed (6. 2% ). The mating period lasted for 5 - 14 days. We observed copulatory locks during copulations. After copulatory lock and several repeated twitches,male wolves would ejaculate. Female wolves displayed obvious sexual solicitations and acted in concert with male mounts by standing
    still with their tails to one side,and haunches bent forward. There were no differences in the twitching times ( P = 0. 827), but we did observe differences in the durations of copulatory locks (one-way ANOVA, F = 71.43, P < 0.001) among the four male wolves. The mean mating duration was 534 ±402 seconds,with the longest 1 588 seconds and the shortest 28 seconds.
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    Abstract815)      PDF (309KB)(1806)       Save
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    History,current situation and prospects on nature reserves for giant pandas ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in China
    HU Jinchu,ZHANG Zejun ,WEI Fuwen
    Abstract9523)      PDF (190KB)(5162)       Save
    The giant panda,a tribute to emperors in ancient China,is an endemic species and regarded as a modern national
    treasure. Contributing to extensive illegal hunting,it has become endangered before liberation. During 1950s,Chinese
    government initiated the establishment of nature reserves to conserve wildlife and their habitats,and in 1960s,five reserves,
    including Wolong,Wanglang,Baihe,Labahe and Taibaishan,were established for the giant panda. Seven more
    reserves were established in 1970s,based on the first national ground survey for the giant panda,and the reserves for the
    species summed up to thirteen. The second national ground survey (1985 - 1988)indicated that the population of wild giant
    pandas was decreased as much as 54% . In 1990s,the total of panda reserves was increased to 36,and by now,there
    have been 63 reserves established to protect giant pandas and their habitats,covering about 85% of the remaining habitats
    and 50% of individuals. The extant population was estimated about 2000,sparsely distributed in remote western mountane
    ranges in China. Chinese government has developed many in-situ and ex-site conservation strategies to conserve the animal
    by now. Giant pandas should deserve a promising future.
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    LIU Xiaoming LI Ming WEI Fuwen
    Abstract2095)      PDF (163KB)(2277)       Save
    Females cannot produce more offspring than the number of their eggs. herefore, from the theoretical perspective, one or a few matings are sufficient for females to fertilize all eggs and maximize their potential reproductive abilities for one estrus period. Contrary to the prediction, however, females of many animal species often mate multiply with a single male or more males. Because mating often carries relatively high cost, it is difficult to understand why females mate multiply. Adaptive and non-adaptive hypotheses to explaining female multiple mating are reviewed in the paper. Adaptive hypotheses are separated into two parts: obtaining both direct benefits and 'indirect (genetic) benefits' from mating partners. Direct benefits may take the form of courtship feeding , nuptial gifts, fertilization assurance, paternal care, stimulation of reproduction and female of guarding of mating right with males. Specifically, this review emphasizes on discussing the three hypotheses on genetic benefits, i. e. 1 acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity within clutches, and genetic compatibility. Two non-adaptive hypotheses such as the genetic related and compliance with male behavior are also discussed.
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    From Egypt to Kunming-Montreal—The shift of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
    PING Xiaoge, ZHU Jiang, WEI Fuwen
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2023, 43 (4): 357-363.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150816
    Abstract513)   HTML1878)    PDF (1795KB)(518)       Save
    The 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) adopted the KunmingMontreal Global Biodiversity Framework (hereinafter referred to as the Kunmeng Framework). This global biodiversity framework has gone through rounds of negotiation and consultation and the release of the zero draft, the first draft and the Kunmeng Framework. Some contents have been continuously adjusted, showing the compromises of parties on certain issues. This paper reviews in detail the indicators involved in the 2050 long-term goals and 2030 action targets in the zero draft, first draft, and the Kunmeng Framework, and proposes the following topics to be paid attention to: living in harmony with nature, genetic diversity conservation, protected area target, transformation and urgent actions, and the implementation of the framework. Future work should focus on urgent actions to translate global goals into national actions, providing financial support, and ensuring the effective implementation of the monitoring systems.
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    A review of wildlife conservation and management strategies of Sanjiangyuan National Park
    Tongzuo ZHANG, Feng JIANG, Jingjie ZHANG, Zhenyuan CAI, Hongmei GAO, Haifeng GU, Pengfei SONG
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2023, 43 (2): 193-205.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150698
    Abstract1082)   HTML44)    PDF (1493KB)(1098)       Save

    Sanjiangyuan National Park (SNP) is one of the first and largest national parks in China and the first national park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It has landmark significance for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and even for China's accelerated construction of national parks as a natural areas protection system. The diversity of wildlife in SNP is high and the proportion of endangered species is large, among which the proportion of mammals and birds under threat is 32.26% and 19.90%, respectively. SNP also harbors abundant national key protected species and rare species endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, including 46.77% of mammals endemic to China or the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and 7.65% of birds endemic to China. Its rich biodiversity has conservation value of national and even global significance. We briefly reviewed the progress and achievements of global wildlife conservation research, analyzed the causes of wildlife endangerment in SNP, and proposed several wildlife conservation and management strategies, such as strengthening the monitoring of wildlife dynamics in SNP, innovating habitat protection techniques, establishing wildlife migration corridors and refuges, conducting research on the balanced management of grass and livestock, disease control, human-animal conflict, and establishing wildlife gene resource bank. There strategies will provide useful guarantees for the achievement of strict protection of ecological environment, harmonious coexistence between human and nature, as well as regional sustainable development strategic needs in SNP.

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    Preliminary research on daily activity rhythm, habitat use and response to human activity of large Indian civet ( Viverra zibetha) in Bayuelin Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province
    LIN Weiming, WENG Yue, A Jia, WANG Min, WANG Qi, WANG Fang
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2023, 43 (4): 364-377.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150745
    Abstract638)   HTML1102)    PDF (9828KB)(514)       Save
    Large Indian civet ( Viverra zibetha) is a small carnivore species of Viverridae. The species used to be widely distributed in southern China. However, its distribution range has rapidly decreased since the late 20th century and its population is believed locally extinct in many regions. The research gap in large Indian civet ecology leads to difficulties in conservation planning. Using infrared-triggered camera trapping techniques, we conducted field surveys in Bayuelin Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, for one and a half years. We deployed 100 camera traps and collected animal records of 19 912 camera days, among which large Indian civet was detected at 23 camera traps with 77 independent detections. Non-parametric circular kernel-density method is adopted to analyze the diel activity pattern of large Indian civet and sympatric small carnivores. Occupancy model is adopted to evaluate habitat use, with additional focus on species’response to human-related interference. The study suggests that large Indian civet has a strictly nocturnal activity pattern and high temporal overlap with masked palm civet ( Paguma larvata) (Δ = 0. 88, P= 0. 290), hog badger ( Arctonyx collaris) (Δ = 0. 80, P= 0. 056), leopard cat ( Prionailurus bengalensis) (Δ = 0. 73, P= 0. 002) and Chinese ferret-badger ( Melogale moschata) (Δ = 0. 72, P< 0. 001), but low temporal overlap with Chinese red panda ( Ailurus styani) (Δ = 0. 19, P< 0. 001) and yellow-throated marten ( Martes flavigula) (Δ = 0. 16, P< 0. 001). Occupancy model reveals that the habitat use of large Indian civet is negatively associated with steep slopes, positively associated with relative abundance of potential prey and close to rivers. Large Indian civet is found mainly distributed in lower coniferous forest patches, but avoids bamboo understory. The species uses landscapes close to roads and abundant in human activities, but avoids free-ranging domestic dogs. The study fills the gaps in field research on large Indian civet ecology in China, supporting conservation planning in Bayuelin Nature Reserve as well as other regions where large Indian civet is considered a conservation target.
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    Studies on Destruction , Prevention and Control of Plateau Pikas in Kobresia pygmaea Meadow
    LIU Wei WANG Xi ZHOU Li ZHOU Huakun
    Abstract1355)      PDF (169KB)(2058)       Save
    This paper studied effects of various plateau pika population sizes in different levels of degraded grasslands , planted grassland and weeds control treatment , and analyzed the response of plateau pikas to environmental changes.The results indicated that plateau pika population sizes increased with the degrees of grassland deterioration1 Population sizes of plateau pika were relative low in heavily degraded grassland because of limited food resource. Population sizes show significant differences among different treatments of non-degraded grassland (NDG) , lightly degraded grassland (LDG) , moderately degraded grassland (MDG) , and heavily degraded grassland (HDG) , i.e. , ( t NDG- LDG = 25.369 7 , t NDG- MDG = 25.55 , t NDG- HDG = 36.406 0 , t LDG- MDG =23.279 4 , t LDG- HDG = 14.343 9 , and t MDG- HDG = 20.178 5 , df = 3 , P < 0.001) . Areas destroyed by plateau pikas had significantly positive correlation with area per hollow ( F = 220.46 , df = 3 , P < 0.001) . Before grassland became heavily degraded grassland , the degree of degradation aggravate when population sizes increased. The changes of the spatial structure of plant community could cause the changes of population sizes of plateau pika. Population sizes were decreased when height and coverage of plant community were reduced.
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    Research progress in conservation biology of endangered mammals in China
    Wei Fuwen
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2016, 36 (3): 255-.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.201603001
    Abstract4662)      PDF (1562KB)(4991)       Save
    Research progress achieved by Chinese scientists in conservation biology of endangered mammals (e.g. Carnivores, primates, ungulates and cetaceans) from 2010-2015 was reviewed. These researches are mainly related to different branches of the conservation biology, such as evolutionary biology, ecology, behavior, physiology, genetics, genomics and meta-genomics, as well as policy and practices. The remarkable research achievements have been made in Conservation Biology of endangered mammals in China, especially for giant pandas and golden monkeys. Evidence from multidisciplinary researches indicated that the giant panda is not an evolutionary cul-de-sac, remaining evolutionary potential. Although the panda is facing environmental problems such as habitat fragmentations, its population is growing and available habitat is expanding. It turned out that its Red List Category could be downlisted from
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    Preliminary study on breeding periodicity of wild francois' langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi francoisi)in Mayanghe Nature Reserve,Guizhou
    WU Ankang,LUO Yang,WANG Shuangling,CHEN Zhengren,WANG Bin
    Abstract1441)      PDF (306KB)(2049)       Save
    Francois’ langur, the Black-headed leaf monkey ( Trachypithecus francoisi francoisi), is a rare species of monkey, occurring in isolated small groups in China. Breeding periodicity of wild Francois’ langur in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve in Yanhe County, Guizhou, China, was studied. For the subject group,known as Gandong group, they were artificial fed periodically due to shortage of natural food since August,1997. From the latter half of the year of 1998,they were adapted to artificial feeding and fed once per day. Because of the same feeder, a trust relationship between the group and the feeder was established, and the group could be observed within fifteen meters. Through artificial feeding, Gandong group monkeys were individual recognized according to characteristics of stature, posture and appearance, and the females were differentiated by the way of F1,F2,…. The first dates of seeing newborn monkeys of the group were recorded and regarded as birth dates. The error was not beyond twenty-four hours because of daily observation and record. Birth dates of eleven newborn monkeys of Gandong group from 1999 to 2005 were recorded. The genders of the newborn monkeys were identified by observing male genitals fifteen days after born. In addition, birth dates of six other groups were combined with that of Gandong group. The six groups included Xiangguba group, Leijia group, Banqiaozi group, Shibanxi group, Dashandong group and Longdongtang group. For the six groups, the first dates of finding new baby monkeys were recorded by patrolmen who patrolled once every five days, and then verified by the authors within two days. According to characteristic of baby monkey whose hair was bright orange at first and then became gradually black one month later, birth dates of nine baby monkeys of these six groups were estimated from 2003 to 2004. The error was not beyond one week. By record, eight offspring were added into Gandong group from 1999 to 2005. At present, this group was consisted of seven males and five females, including three baby monkeys and nine non-baby monkeys. Six other groups produced nine offspring totally from 2003 to 2004. The analysis results showed that seasonal birth of wild Francois’langur distributed from January to June, and no newborns were given birth from July to December, seventeen monkeys born from February to April in proportion with 85% in total, eight in March in proportion with 40% determined as the peak of whole year, five in April and four in February as the secondary birth peak. This distribution pattern was different significantly from that of captive Francois' langurs whose birth failed in seasonality. Under captive conditions, food sources were secure, the surrounding was stable and there was little change of annual cycle. However it was difficult for the wild to have the above all conditions. The breeding interval of wild Francois' langurs was 704±50 days averagely, namely twenty-three months, longer seven months than that of captive. Francois' langurs, indicating that natural environmental stresses that the wild populations were subject to might have a long-term influence on reproduction of Francois' langurs. Meanwhile breeding periodicity was linked with difference of species, climate, habitat, and female reproductive biology.
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    Research progress of bat biology and conservation strategies in China
    JIANG Tinglei, ZHAO Huabin, HE Biao, ZHANG Libiao, LUO Jinhong, LIU Ying, SUN Keping, YU Wenhua, WU Yi, FENG Jiang
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2020, 40 (6): 539-559.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150430
    Abstract3014)      PDF (3009KB)(3408)       Save
    Since the end of 2019, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has attracted much attention on bats (Chiroptera), and even people are frequently frowned upon when talking about bats. Bats are extremely diverse in ecology and taxonomy, accounting for ~20% of mammalian diversity worldwide. Bats play an important role in pest control, seed transmission, plant pollination, offering a great economic benefit to human society. Moreover, bats bear important scientific research value in health and longevity, biomimetic, language evolution, and more. There are more than 140 species of bats in China, ranking China one of the top countries in terms of bat species diversity of the world. In recent decades, Chinese researchers have made great progresses in diverse fields such as bat taxonomy, ecology, ethology, evolutionary biology, neurobiology, and viral pathogens in China. However, researches focusing on ecosystem services and conservation of bats were very scarce. Due to logging and plants harvesting, over-hunting, habitat destruction, urbanization, agricultural activities, climate change, and so forth, bats in China are largely threatened: 51% of bat species have been listed as Near Threatened or above (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable). We argue that successful bat conservation in China must first strengthen basic research, particularly in assessing the population status and trends of bat species and establishing a monitoring network for bat diversity. Additionally, a combination of conservation efforts, including the protection of bat habitats,
    construction of artificial bat habitats, improvement of relevant laws and regulations, and enhancement of public education on bats, are vital to ensuring sustainable bat populations in China.
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    XIA Jingshi
    Abstract1906)      PDF (588KB)(2612)       Save
    This paper deals with the historical conditions of Mi-lu ( Elaphurus davidianus) which has been stamped out in China since the end of the 19th century. The author has studied a nmber of records and narratives on Mi-lu from Chinese ancient books and holds the following views:1. Mi-lu existed in China widely in ancient times, sometimes a herd of thousands could be found in wild. It still existed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.2. The distribution range of Mi-lu extended to the centre and south of Shaanxi, east of Sichuan, north of Hunan and Jiangxi in the old days.3. 22 Mi-lu have been returned to China from England and 20 of them were sent to Nanhaizi of Peking and the other two were sent to Shanghai Zoo in 1985.4 . Meat of Mi-lu is edible, its oil and young pilose antler as well as antler are one of the traditional Chinese medicines.
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    Research advances in conservation genetics and genomics of snow leopard ( Panthera uncia)
    Yubo HAO, Hong JIN, Lin YANG, Kexin LI, Yibo HU
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2022, 42 (5): 508-518.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150687
    Abstract1681)      PDF (1521KB)(1570)       Save

    The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) (Carnivora, Felidae, Panthera) is a flagship species distributed in the Qinghai?Tibet Plateau and surrounding regions. With the development of molecular biology and high-throughput sequencing technology, snow leopard conservation genetics and conservation genomics have developed rapidly. Noninvasive genetic sampling has provided genetic samples and facilitated the conservation genetics research of snow leopards. In this review, we summarize the application of noninvasive genetic sampling in species identification, individual identification and sex determination of snow leopards, the phylogenetic status, phylogeographic pattern, population genetic structure, and subspecies controversies in snow leopards. Furthermore, the evolutionary history, adaptive evolution, and genome characteristics of snow leopards are reviewed. Finally, we discuss the future development trends of snow leopard conservation genetics and genomics, aiming to better promote snow leopard conservation biology research and science-based conservation decisions.

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    Opportunities and challenges of fecal DNA technology in molecular ecology researches
    SHAN Lei, HU Yibo, WEI Fuwen
    ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA    2018, 38 (3): 235-246.   DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150194
    Abstract2324)      PDF (1829KB)(3790)       Save
    Advances in fecal DNA technology have expanded its usages in molecular ecology, especially in genetic assessment of wild animals. The technology allows researchers to understand ecological issues without contacting, disturbing, or even seeing animals, thus avoided invasions to the animal studied, and greatly promotes studies in molecular ecology of wild animals. Although this technology could yield poor DNA and relatively high genotyping errors in its early stages, these problems have been overcome gradually with the technological achievements being made in the past 25 years. Nowadays, fecal DNA technology yields good DNA and low genotyping errors, allowing researchers to address questions in reliability. Here, we share our knowledge about technological pitfalls on fecal sampling, preservation, DNA extraction, PCR, and genotyping in detail, and discuss opportunities and challenges of its applications, aiming to increase the power and role of the technology in molecular ecology of wild animals.
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    Composition and nutrient analysis of captive giant panda diet
    YUAN Shibin, QU Yuanyuan, ZHANG Zejun, ZHAO Jingang, HOU Rong, WANG Hairui
    ACTA Theriologica Sinica    2015, 35 (1): 65-73.  
    Abstract2619)      PDF (1375KB)(2952)       Save
    In order to provide a reasonable feeding proposal for captive giant pandas in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding,we collected feeding data of 10 adult giant pandas (5 males and 5 females)during the past 4 years,observed foraging behaviors of 3 male adults for more than 1 year,and analysed nutrients and total flavonoids of food supplied. The results indicated that the giant pandas ingested about 10 main food bamboos and 3 bamboo shoots,and most preferred for Bashania faberi (the feeding duration was 232. 5 days),followed by Phyllostachys nidularia (the feeding duration was 134.5 days)and then by shoots of Qiongzhuea opienenss,Phyllostachys nidularia and Chimonobambus quadrangularis(the total feeding duration was 114. 7 days). Judging from bamboos ingested and their seasonal foraging habits,giant pandas have developed relatively stable diet selection. The nutrient content of feeding bamboos has a certain regularity:the crude protein,crude fat,protein to energy ratio,calcium and total flavonoids concentrations of bamboo leaves were the
    highest,but dry matter,crude fiber and phosphorus contents of branches and stems were the highest. We found that palatability,nutrient composition and content of total flavonoids of the main food bamboos are confirmed as the main factors influencing diet composition of captive giant panda at the research base.
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    MA Shilai, WANG Yingxiang
    Abstract1906)      PDF (1072KB)(2367)       Save
    This Paper reports the recent distribution, status and conservation of Chinese primates. In China, there are 20 species of primates, 2 species of slow loris ( Nycticebus coucang and N. pygmaeus); 6 macaque species ( Macaco mulatta, M. nemestrina, M. thibetana, M. arctoides, M. assamensis and M.cyclopis); 5 langur species (Presbytls entellus,p.pileatus,p.-phayrei,P.frarcoisi and Pygathrix nemaeus); 3 species of golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae,R.bieti and R.brelichi); and 4 gibbon species ( Hylobates lar, H.leucogenys, H.concolor and H.hoolock), being all limited in southern and southeastern China (see Table 1 and Fig. 1 - 3). They are listed as the protected animals by Chinese government, of which presbytis pileatus and Nycticebus pygmaeus are protected by Yunnan provincial government, and Macaca mulatta, M. thibetana and M.arctoides are 2nd class protected animals of China, the rest species are all 1st class protected animals. Killimg or hunting are strictly forbidden.According to our survey since 1975 and the literature records, the recent natural distribution range and the numbers of Chinese primates are all narrowing and reducing although they are emphasized protected animals by Chinese government, however, the number of Sichuan golden monkey, Guizhou golden monkey, white-headed langur in Guangxi province and three subspecies of black gibbon in Yunnan are increasing slightly. The main reason of the narrowing in distribution and reducing in number is hunting and forest-destroying (Table 2). This situation cannot be completly changed in a short period.However, Chinese government has paid great attention to the conservation of the natural environment and to the rare wildlife. So far, there are more than 3 hundred Nature Reserves being established in China (total area of the Reserves is about 17,670, 000 hectare, reaching to 1.8% of Chinese territory), 20 of which belonging to the National Forestry and Wildlife Type Nature Reserves. The Reserves relating to the primates conservation are about 95 places (Table 3).It is reported (Zhang, 1986) that 4 hundred Reserves will be made in China before 1990. By then, the area of the Reserves of China will be about 2% of the territory. By 2000, Reserves may be developing into 500-600 places. Its total area will be reaching to 3% or 4% of the territory of China, which is close basically to the level of common countries in the world. Therefore, we believe that Chinese primates shall be well protected and developed in the near future.
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